I hate it when people leave their companies & jobs without a word of warning and giving due time as notice. This happens so often in our line of work, since the pressure is so high and yet the pay is not enough to compensate for it. A lot of work goes into getting a person ready for a job. When they normally enters our company, the boy or girl usually has no previous work experience and he / she has to get trained in how to be a good customer care agent. A lot of time, effort & money is spent on getting these guys into shape and continuous monitoring is involved after they hit the production floor. So it pisses me off when a person just ups and leave without informing anyone. Is there any harm in atleast calling up and saying so? The honourable thing would be to come in person and give your resignation letter but I guess that is too much to expect.
And now this happened – one person who is in a more responsible position has been unaccounted for the last 8 days. He is a supervisory post and has been disappointed for the last couple of months. Things were begining to start looking up but he has upped and gone without any information what-so-ever. It seemed that he has borrowed Rs.5000 from one colleague and another 6000 or so from another. Now we don’t know if he has borrowed any more money from anyone else or if he borrowed the money to make his escape. Or is he missing since he can’t pay the money back? Some question that can’t be answered by speculating but what is certain is that he seems to be missing. Phone calls to his cell phone are not being answered and messages sent are not being replied back.
Song for the day – “Hip Today (You’ll Be Gone Tomorrow) – EXTREME