Hey, I got this from one of my fav bloggers, Tina @ reddirtroad
Ate your favorite ice cream?
Two weeks ago? It’s Wimbledon Delight and it is yummy
Followed a butterfly’s flight till it was out of sight?
I did it last night, although I think it was actually a moth :)
Sat and looked at the awesomeness of the fullmoon on a clear night?
I do that all the time, whenever there is a full moon. I love full moons.
Listened to a piece of music that made you close your eyes and pay attention to it?
This happens to me quite a lot, since I take music very seriously. So, all the time, nearly everyday.
Danced in the living room?
Living room, no. But I dance and play air guitar in my bedroom atleast a couple of times a week. :D
Lit some candles and sat in the bathtub til your skin was wrinkled up?
I don’t have a bathtub and haven’t had one in years. I used to do that a long time ago. 15 years back or so.
Called a loved one just to talk to them?
About to do it; I am going to call Asha since I miss her a lot and I just want to hear her voice since I can’t see her, what with her being in Hyderabad.
Smelled your clean laundry?
Everyday :P. So today morning will be the answer. Somehow I love the smell of clean undergarments (only mine) and shirts and dhotis!
Brought home some flowers for yourself?
I am a guy!!
Went to a movie by yourself?
October 2004, can’t remember the exact date :)
Went to bed early to read a good book?
Last Wednesday.
Bought yourself something nice to wear?
January 12th and I wore that shirt today
Looked through your old photograph albums?
Oh boy I hate my photo albums. I guess three years back.
Walked through a museum?
I think when I was 15, on a school trip. That was more than 15 years ago!!!
Created a gift for a friend?
Oh, I think you always buy gifts. Do mixed tapes count?
Gave yourself a pedicure?
Don’t make me laugh. Me buff hombre not little girly man.
Sat and literally smelled the roses?
I can safely say, never. :P