This Boy Is No Party Liason

I was supposed to go for a party tonight and hence leave early from the office. It’s funny how come everytime that I ask to and arrange to leave the office, I actually end up going either at the usual time or even later than normal. I had wanted to take a leave in order to spend time with family & relatives, as today was the naming ceremony of my cousin’s son. Is there a proper name for the Hindu version of it, you know of doing the actual naming on the 28th day of the child’s existence? But you know what I find crazy about the whole thing? Like, the parents of the boy or girl being born didn’t have enough time to chose a name, a whole bloody 10 months, they get another 28 days to decide on a name. If I ever have a kid, his or her name will be picked up months before the birth.

Anyways, I digress, I ended up leaving the office after 6 pm, working a full 9 hours on a project, and reached home by 7 pm. The plan was to take a bath, change and head out to Lotus club. I called up my folks at around 7:20 pm to find out where they were and was told that they were at the club. I took my clothes off in order to take a bath, put some music on…..and went to sleep! I dunno why, I wasn’t exactly tired, but I napped for an hour. Then I watched tv till about 10 pm, made some instant noodles and had that and a seven up for dinner. When a nice family party was waiting for me, with really good food and Smirnoff Vodka!

I dunno know, my head just fell heavy and sleep was the most tempting thing on offer. So I dozed. I only have to go to work by 4 pm tomorrow, so I most likely will sleep a lot.

Song for the day – “Believe It Or Not” – NICKELBACK