1. If you were running out of a burning house (I know, I know… I said I wasn’t going to go on about that, but I was curious!), what are the five things you’d grab, given a minute to do so?
a. Assuming all the people are outside, I’d grab my best jeans, my ipod, my computer, my asthma inhaler & my cheque book!
2. Are you more cynical or optimistic about romance in general?
a. Still optimistic after all these years. :(
3. Do you judge people according to how they look? And if you do, what matters most: fitness, fashion, posture, or general mood?
a. General mood
4. Do you like your laugh?
a. It doesn’t matter if I like it, you should like it
5. If I gave you a camera right now, what are the first five things you’d want to capture on film?
a. Myself, the sunset, my friends @work, the view from my room & a rainbow
6. What song should play when you come in a room?
a. ‘Alive’ by Pearl Jam
7. Is there a colour you wear more often than not?
a. Blue
8. Do you dance when music plays?
a. No but I air guitar to it ;)