She was upset and she had been crying. I came to know about it a bit later and was waiting for her with a flutter in my heart. She came by and sat down. I looked at her, a bit cautiously as I didn’t want to embarrass her by admitting to fact that I knew that she had been crying. I took a brief glance and her freshly washed face failed to hide her deep emotional eyes. You could tell that she was hurt and had been hurt. I looked away since there was absolutely no way that I could keep looking at her face and still maintain a professional demeanor. My heart broke to see her that way.
As the day went by, I knew I had to say something. So a while later, I moved towards her and grabbed her hand and gave her a friendly squeeze. I let her know that I understood what she was going through and that it would be alright. She had her usual brave face on like nothing affected her and that had things under control. But I guess she knew me better. The day went by and we had stuff to do. As we started getting ready to leave for the day maybe she let her guard down and admitted that she needed some time off. I told her that I hoped that it happened, dreading the time when I had to say goodbye to her.
And then I made her laugh; like I knew I could. I did the actions like a clown, like a joker, that I knew would make her start laughing without fail. And she did – and she probably went back home with a smile on her face. Atleast I could do that….but that’s all I can do.
Always the guy who can make you laugh & smile. Nothing more. Its not in my fate. Always the joker and never the hero!