I Am Legend

Finally got round to watching the dvd of I Am Legend that I bought last Sunday. Having highly anticipated watching the film, I ended up being bored on this Saturday afternoon throughout most of this film. You see, this is the problem with knowing the story and watching numerous clips on tv & through the net.

Don’t get me wrong, there are some really fantastic reasons to watch this film but for me it became a dud in the end. I’d watch it just for Will Smith & the dog though.

So Robert Neville, the last uninfected human left in New York city just happens to be a virologist, i order to explain as to why he captures & experiments on infected mutants of a man-made disease. Said mutants are not scary by the way – they look like something from a Doom game. The mutants lose all their hair (hey can I get an infection that will remove all my body hair from the neck down) and their marbles and go into a primal aggressive stage and bite any non-infected. So Robert survives for 3 years, all alone except for his dog Sam. He stocks food, watches dvds, stocks supplies and drives around all day waiting for something to do.

Kind of like us normal humans on an average day!

Oh and they can’t stand sunlight.

Kind of like us after binge drinking!

So Neville does these experiments on infected rats & humans (cause we are the same) and broods over the death of his wife & kid. No, they didn’t get infected or devoured by the mutants – they had an accidental death in an helicopter. Sam later gets bitten by mutant dogs and hence while showing signs of infection, Robert is forced to kill the poor animal. While trying to get revenge, he is outnumbered but rescued by Anna and her son, fellow survivors from Maryland, and bring him back to his house where they tell him of a survivors colony in Vermont. Anna insists that they head out there but the infected storm the house and in order to save the others, Neville blasts himself and the infected with a hand grenade. His work on the infected has proven fruitful and before he goes all commando, he hands over a vial of blood to Anna, that will form the cure for the disease.

And human kind survives to live on!

Blackberry Bold aka 9000

On May 12th RIM announced the release of the sleek & sexy looking Blackberry Bold or the 9000, its a 3G Smartphone that has me frothing at the mouth.


The BlackBerry Bold has the following features:

  • 2 Mega Pixel camera with flash
  • Built in GPS
  • MP3/WMA/AAC+ media player
  • DivX/WMV/XviD/3gp video player
  • 128MB RAM, 1GB storage, microSD slot
  • Weighs only 133 gms &
  • has a 480×320 px TFT LCD screen

Estimated pricing will be $300 to $500 when it will be released to the public in the summer (US) and the only carriers confirmed so far are AT&T & T-Mobile.

Visit the official webpage of the Bold at Blackberry and also visit the 360 degree experience.

Name Sakes

The domain name that I chose for my blog is Awake & Dreaming. I started using this name for my blog site that I used in Blogger from 2005 and continued with that name ever since. I used to call it Roshan’s Blog-o-matic but changed it to this as I found it a hell of a lot more appropriate. When people ask me why I chose this name, I am usually not quite so forthcoming. If you google for Awake & Dreaming you will find it is several things, like:-

But how I got the name was by the song Awake & Dreaming by Finger 11, which I love so much and plus I thought it would be a cool name and perfectly describes my character. It’s sad & beautiful at the same time.

If I Could Control The Weather In Cochin

I wish I could control the weather in my city.

Cochin has been unbelievably hot this year for the most part. Sometimes a 2 minute walk can have you dripping with sweat pouring from you and leaving you with huge dark circles on your shirt where the armpits are. Nasty stuff!
The respite is when it rains and I am happy to say that it’s been raining a bit now. But not when I want it. I wanted it to rain in the afternoon, say start by 1pm and slowing a bit by 4 or 5 pm. Then it can rain late in the night so there’s a cool breeze over me while I sleep.

Last night there was heavy lightning & thunder – not good. Ofcourse I had to unplug my computer and tv and hope we survived the night. Yes it was quite a spectacle, being able to see it from the 7th floor windows. I prefer the rain to the heat. Infact I love the rain. But the damn thing won’t come when I want it to!

RIP Luc Bourdon

With deep regrets the Vancouver Canucks announced the death of defenceman Luc Bourdon. He was just 21. an impressive junior defenseman who was taken by the Vancouver Canucks with the 10th overall pick in the 2005 NHL Entry Draft.

Police said Bourdon was killed when he lost control of his motorcycle on a road near his home in Shippagan in northern New Brunswick around 12:30 P.M. He reportedly struck a tractor-trailer and was killed instantly.

The two-time gold medal winner at the World Junior Hockey Championships played his junior hockey with the Val’d Or Foreurs, the Moncton Hawks & the Cape Breton Screaming Eagles.

fury movie He became a full-time professional this year and played 41 games for the Canucks’ AHL affliate, the Manitoba Moose, where he had six goals and eight assists. He also played 27 games for the Canucks. Bourdon played in the NHL for most of November, February and March.

Spreading Like A Fox

Do your bit and join the Facebook group or go to the website. Click on the button below!

Help set a record for the most software downloaded in 24 hours, through a monumental worldwide event known as Download Day. Here’s how you can help: Host a party to download Firefox; you provide the people and we’ll provide the party favors. Get the word out; tell your friends, your neighbors, your grandma, anyone and everyone to participate in Download Day. You can also put a “Download Day” badge on your blog, profile or website.

Most importantly go to the Download Day website and pledge to download Firefox 3. By signing up you will receive an email to remind you to download Firefox 3 when it becomes available. With your help the Firefox community can go down in history.

Download Day - English

Notes For 27th May

    the conversation online

  • Had an interview done with a consulting company today as I need to start looking around for a new job. The search has intensified once again! I just hope I have better luck this time.
  • I needed some important thing to be done and I had that done. Can’t share what that is but let’s just say that I’m glad that I did it.
  • I had to get my resume printed out before I left for the interview and since I didn’t have a hard copy of it with me or a printer at home, I went to a nearby cyber cafe on my way to the interview. It was so hot & stuffy that I sweated buckets in just a few minutes.
  • The interview went well, me thinks, and I spoke a lot about what I do and what I expect. My mouth was so parched after that, so I went to a small shop and had a cold mango juice before coming back home.
  • The Detroit Red Wings are sitting pretty with a 2-0 lead over the Pittsburgh Penguins in the Stanley Cup finals. Its an uphill task for the Pens if they are going to mount a bid for the cup. They are yet to score a goal in the finals.
  • Just came to know that award winning Hollywood director/producer Sydney Pollack died last night. Among his films I have seen Sabrina, Tootsie & The Firm. May he rest in peace.

Feeling Hungry

confessions of a driving instructor online big stan movie It’s 8:30 in the AM and I am starving for some good food. But not breakfast food. I woke up at 6 am and after visiting the throne room (toilet) I came back to bed and watched a couple of episodes of Angel : Season 3 on my pc. It’s getting really interesting and although I have watched the show before, I am so hooked on it that I can’t stop. I started watching Season 3 last night. But all this staying up late at night and watching it from the moment I wake up, has left me feeling famished and I don’t want toast. I feel like having a big, juicy burger with some french fries. Yummy! Maybe I’ll stop by later after I go for my errand and then get a burger at the fast food place 10 minutes from here.

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Angel : Season 2

Now without a base of operations, Angel Investigations still try to help the helpless. Angel mistakenly kills a demon who was protecting a pregnant lady and must then replace the demon as the lady’s champions and fight for the her & her baby’s protection. The trio also find the Hyperion Hotel which will become their new office. The hotel was also the place where Angel stayed in the 1950s and now tracks down a demon who killed the residents there. Angel also helps a telekinetic young girl, who was being used by Lilah & others at Wolfram & Hart for ulterior motives. Wesley discovers that the girl’s powers stem from her being sexually abused by her father when she was younger. A human Darla meanwhile, having been resurrected, is playing mind games with Angel which also has him clash with his police friend Kate. In order to get over his obsession with Darla, Angel tries to find guidance from a new age swami and Wesley has to pretend to be Angel when a powerful businessman wants his daughter to be under protection. Wesley also has an affair with the daughter. Darla slowly remembers her past but is dying. She has a change of heart when Angels undergoes a series of demonic challenges in order to save her but in the end, Wolfram & Hart have Drusilla sire Darla back as a vampire.

So now Angel must kill Darla before she rises but with Drusilla in the way, that fails. Darla & Drusilla crash a wine tasting party at Holland’s house and although Angel comes there in time, he closes the door and lets the evil vampires feast on the lawyers who are present at the event. Only Lindsey & Lilah survive. Angel fires the rest of the staff and seeks out to kill Darla & Dru. In his fight, Angel manages to show the manager of a teen shelter that the law firm, who pretend to be a benefactor, are in fact stealing from the shelter. At the shelter, a group of zombie policeman attack the teens and Wesley is shot while trying to calm a zombie cop down. Angel manages to break the spell that the chief of police had had done to make the dead cops come to life.

Angel finally realizes that he was wrong to have sent his friends away and wants to make amends. With the feelings hurt, Cordelia, Gunn & Wesley initially reject him but to prove that he is truly sorry, Angel offers to work for them instead of the other way round. Harmony comes to visit Cordy and after a confusion over her sexuality stays with the gang for a bit. She however betrays them and although Cordelia has the chance to dust her former best friend, she spares her.

While trying to rescue Cordelia through a portal to a demon dimension, the group meet up with Winnifred ‘Fred’ Burkle, a physicist who got sucked into the portal 5 years ago. Angel rescues her and Lorne, who had come with them, meets up with his family. Cordelia is made princess when some demon monks find out that she is cursed with visions. She falls in love with the Groosalugg, but has to leave him behind when the group finally make their way back to Los Angeles. So the gang add a fifth member in Fred and make their way back to their office, only to find Willow waiting for Angel to tell him the news that Buffy is dead.

Quotes Atheists Will Like

“Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful.” – Seneca

[Humanity] has a moral code not because of religion but in spite of it.” – Richard Dawkins

“More people have been slaughtered in the name of religion than for any other single reason. That, my friends, that is true perversion.” – Harvey Milk

“All religions are ancient monuments to superstition, ignorance and ferocity.” – Baron D’Holbach

Pinkish-Red & White

Litchi is a fruit that I did not like much when I was younger. I have had the fruit, had litchi flavoured ice cream and the juice. Ice cold litchi juice from Tropicana is my favourite way to have the fruit. It’s not unlike grapes, although it should be more like a big grape, and the inside or the ‘meat’ as it is often termed as, is a bit like the grape without the skin! The inside layer of sweet, translucent white flesh is rich in vitamin C. It seems that the litchi or lychee is native to China and also found in India, Northern Vietnam, Philippines, Indonesia & Taiwan. Much more recently it has been grown in parts of the US like Florida, California & Hawaii and also in parts of Australia. I was chatting with my friend Kristen this morning about litchis and started getting a hunger / thirst for it. So on my way home, I bought a pack of Tropicana’s Litchi Juice. Drink up!

Going Out On Sunday

Woke up this morning a little emotionally spent after Vidya’s send off at the office and knowing how this is going to affect the other two members of the ‘Powerpuff Girls’. And me!

I sat chatting with both Kannanchettan and Arun and seperately with Kristen the great buck howard movie . I was content to just be lazy and stay in my room but by 12 pm I was getting restless and so I showered and headed out. Had a triple sec coffee at CCD and started reading Hearts In Atlantis by Stephen King. It’s going good so far. I also had a brownie over there, listening to saxophone versions of popular older hit songs from the 80s and soundless F1 trials.

I then headed out to Penta Menaka & bought some dvds at Cinema Paradiso. There was a family in there who took up most of the space in the tiny store. While I was browsing through their latest collections, a group of annoying, stupid & moronic guys came in. They must have been in college and they were loud and dumb, going through some dvd titles and reading them stupidly! They were in for about 10 minutes and the stares from the other patrons & the store’s staff made them vamoose!

I bought copies of I Am Legend, Lars And The Real Girl, Knocked Up and some concert dvds of Shania Twain, Sarah McLachlan, Jewel, Metallica & Dream Theatre. Awesome list if you ask me. Oh, you weren’t asking? Well, I wasn’t telling you!

I then felt hungry and a quick look at the clock let me know that it was 2.25 pm and so I went over to Oberois and had a plate of mixed noodles, garlic pork along with some MGM Apple Kiz vodka. It tastes better and better with every sip. As I sipped, ate and read my book, I also listened to the conversations around me, particularly one at the next table as a guy was relating an incident he had with the cops a couple of nights back to his two companions. It seems that the fine Kerala police are harassing the good citizens of Cochin for the heinous crime of……..driving home from work after putting in some extra hours. Not drunk driving folks, just driving home late, around 10 pm in fact! no traffic violations, no nothing. Its been going on a bit lately.

Bon Voyage, Blossom

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Today was my friend & colleague Vidya’s last working day at the office where I work. She had spoken a few weeks ago about her need to move to Bangalore to our team lead as she was facing pressure from her family – her husband was working in Banglore and his job was way too good for him to give it up and come and work in Cochin. He used to come down to Cochin every few weeks but that was not enough for them. So after almost 2 years, they are once again going to be living full time together.

So Vidya gave her resignation a month ago today and served her notice period wonderfully well. Professionally speaking my department & the company are losing a highly valuable asset, a really good trainer & a wonderful colleague. Personally for her friends, we are losing our beloved Blossom! Blossom is the name I gave her around the time we became friends – I call her & two other lady colleagues in my team, the Powerpuff Girls. I chose Blossom for her because of the name and the way her character is. She is cuteness in corporeal form. She is a quite, happy & sweet person. She has a way of smiling / laughing that is adorable, her nose crinkles & her eyes become tiny slits as her whole body laughs in earnestness.

plumm summer a dvd She is also a highly dedicated worker and loyal to a fault. We are going to miss her a great deal. I arranged for a cake as part of her send off. We wanted to say wonderful things about her but the other two girls and I couldn’t keep our eyes dry long enough to do so. We had her cut the cake, with tears streaming in our eyes and took a few snaps as a group. Everyone filed in to wish her the very best and finally it was just the training team, standing together for the final snap shots and to then wish her as she left the office for the very last time as an employee. I speak for the others as well when I say that we were lucky to be your colleagues and teammates and blessed to be your friend.

Bon Voyage, Blossom.

Keralites Love Affair With The “Gelf”

Its a funny inside joke that us Malayalees love living / working in any of the Arabian Gulf countries, collectively referred by a majority of us as the ‘Gelf’. In certain areas, large populations of Malayalees just want to get that holy grail – a working visa to places like Muscat, Sharjah or Dubai. They want to live & work in Kuwait or Jiddah and send money home to mom & dad back home and help pay for little sister’s wedding and little brother’s college studies. Almost  every family in the district of Malappuram have atleast one male family member who works in a Gulf country.

Yeah we love the Arabs, even named a milk shake after an Arab city – the Sharjah shake. Which I just had about 2.5 hours ago, yummy! We also have plenty of Arabian food cafes strewed throughout the cities in Kerala.

My dad went to Kuwait with his brother and a few others back in the 1960s to make a living and send money back home. He struggled for a few years and was then rewarded for his loyalty (29 years working for a bank), got married to my mom in 68 and raised two kids there. There’s a few thousand versions of him all around. But some guys take it to extremes; they also have a smuggling side business going on. That’s not cool. And you know the difference between families like us and these buggers?

We don’t pronounce it as ‘Gelf’!

Spreading Fear

Yesterday I received an email, which was sent by a member of my company’s clients who is also a former colleague of mine at Aspin Wall, and which was also addressed to the other members of my team. It had an attachment and the subject was just one word “Kruis” which I did not understand, so when I saw it I had no idea what it was.

It turned out to be one of those chain mails that I hate. The attachment was a foreboding image of a scary looking  Jesus and the content of the mail was something like please do not ignore this mail. You must forward it to at least x number of people and you will receive some kind of reward or some shit. It also stated a few people who did not download the namesake movie forward it and instead ignored & deleted it, and bad things happened to them. Like one man’s son died and another lost his business, a third person lost her leg in an accident, so on and so forth.

So this is how you spread Christianity? By spreading fear!! What nonsense! So this is your loving god, who will kill / harm you if you don’t spread this fucking crap!!! Who starts these bullshit emails? And why do people forward them? I wanted to speak to that person and ask him to stop such rubbish but I was busy with a training batch and hence did not get time until it was 7 pm. But I am going to now.

I deleted the damn email right away as I do not want such drivel clogging my inbox and taking up valuable space in the office server. So if I die, you know who is responsible!! :P

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