Hi my handful of regular readers. The post below is password protected since the person who have written about might read it and it would cause a bit of embarrassment. If anyone would like to read it email me for the password and I’ll give it to you.
Day: May 29, 2008
Protected: It’s A Small World After All
Spreading Like A Fox
Do your bit and join the Facebook group or go to the website. Click on the button below!
Help set a record for the most software downloaded in 24 hours, through a monumental worldwide event known as Download Day. Here’s how you can help: Host a party to download Firefox; you provide the people and we’ll provide the party favors. Get the word out; tell your friends, your neighbors, your grandma, anyone and everyone to participate in Download Day. You can also put a “Download Day” badge on your blog, profile or website.
Most importantly go to the Download Day website and pledge to download Firefox 3. By signing up you will receive an email to remind you to download Firefox 3 when it becomes available. With your help the Firefox community can go down in history.