I Wanted To Cry (But The Tears Wouldn’t Come) – The Scorpions
Month: March 2009
There’s A Sequel In The Talks
download i know who killed me The movie isn’t released yet but there’a already talks of a sequel!! According to Variety Paramount Pictures has already greenlight a sequel to their upcoming new Star Trek movie (which TrekWeb will be calling Star Trek XII), and has hired Roberto Orci, Alex Kurtzman and Damon Lindelof to pen the screenplay, for a likely summer 2011 release.
download man to man J.J. Abrams, who directed and produced the latest chapter, is onboard to produce the follow-up alongside his Bad Robot partner Bryan Burk. No decision has been made yet on whether Abrams will return behind the camera for the sequel. As for potential storylines, Kurtzman stressed that the writing team will wait to take a cue from fan reaction about which direction to go.
The Heights Of Communication Gap
Mr.Verma comes home one night, and his wife throws her arms around his neck: “I have great news: I’m a month overdue. I think we’re going to have a baby! The doctor gave me a test today, but until we find out for sure, we can’t tell anybody.”
The next day, Mrs.Verma receives a telephone call from AEC (Ahmedabad Electric Company) because the electricity bill has not been paid.
“Am I speaking to Mrs.Verma?”
“Yes…… speaking”
AEC guy, “You’re a month overdue, you know!”
“How do YOU know?” stammers the young woman.
“Well, ma’am, it’s in our files!” says the AEC guy .
“What are you saying? It’s in your files …… HOW ?????”
” Yes …………. We have a system of finding out who’s overdue “
” GOD !!!!!!……… this is too much……….”
“Madam, I am sorry…… I am following orders…. I have to inform you are overdue”
“I know that ……. let me talk to my husband about this tonight. ….he will speak to your company tomorrow “
That night, she tells her husband about the visit, and he, mad as a
bull, rushes to AEC office the next day morning.
“What’s going on? You have it on file that my wife is a month overdue?
What business is that of yours?” the husband shouts.
“Just calm down,” says the lady at the reception at AEC, “it’s nothing serious. All you have to do is pay us.”
“PAY you? and if I refuse?”
“Well, in that case, sir, we’d have no option but t o cut yours off.”
“And what would my wife do then?” the husband asks.
“I don’t know. I guess she’d have to use a candle.”
A Gourmet Meal For Mom & Me
All this talk about militants has got me down. What if they blow up the town and everyone in it? What should be my last supper? Well thinking about that and my upcoming review with top brass, made me hungry and I knew something should be done. I also wanted to give a treat for my mom, so I told her not to bother with cooking dinner. I came home and checked the toll free directory assistance and got the number for Domino’s Pizza. I had never called them up before and only had a few wedges with colleagues from my previous firm.
So we ordered ourselves a Gourmet veggie pizza (pictured above) and it was huge and delicious. 3 slices later and I am full! I had sips of cold apple juice to chase it down. Man that was good; seems to me that pizza should be veggie and not with meat. I dunno, maybe it’s just me I guess.
Gourmet pizza is a spicy pizza topped with golden corn, loaded with extra cheese & packs quite a punch with jalapeno and black olives!
LTTE Militants On The Way To Kochi?
The news flash message on one of the local news channels hit hard and hit close to home. In fact it hit exactly at home!
Following a tip off about movement of armed LTTE militants into Kochi via Cherthala, security has been beefed up in the coastal areas of Alappuzha.
Kochi coast has also been put on high alert. Security has been stepped up on Aroor bridge as well as on all the routes leading to and from this this region. However according to police sources there is no need for the public to panic.
All over the city you could see people tensed up and hoping that it was just a false alarm. The cops searching every vehicle that could seem to carry the militants was shown all over the news.
Knowing that this could cause delay in people reaching their homes, we have asked our lady staff in training (who are doing a 4pm till 1am shift) to leave a couple of hours earlier. So I arranged to have their drop facility moved up to 11 pm, as with the checking they might only reach home after 3 am and we don’t want that.
A Song About All The Sh!t In Your Life :)
I Need To Rest My Body & Soul
I’m so tired and sleepy and it’s only 7:25 pm. I was hoping for a fun Sunday but it was more of the usual and I’m so worn out. I need a break, atleast a week off from work and rest my body & soul. Recharge the batteries. I also need to start exercises. I’m so fat, the fattest that I have ever been and my shirts are all getting too tight for me. So I did a few push ups as soon as I woke up this morning. After that:
- I got out of bed, got coffee and breakfast and then took a shower
- Spent some time reading a book
- Went out to Cafe Coffee Day and got some cold coffee
- Checked out cds & vcds – nothing interesting out there
- Went to get my hair cut. It was long enough that it was curling at the ends
- The day was so hot & humid. I walked over to Oberoi’s and got some beer and some chopsuey
- Bought some apple juice and came back home
- tried to watch dvds but I’m so tired
- Took a shower at 6:30 pm
- And now I’m, half asleep at the pc
I think I’ll take a nap.
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Why Do You Like Playing Around With My Narrow Scope Of Reality
Workshop @ The Hotel Nyle Plaza
So like I informed you, my dear readers, I was to attend a workshop with my colleagues, mostly HODs, today at the hotel Nyle Plaza. The hotel is a 3 star hotel located in Vytilla and is about a year old. I had never heard of it before but wasn’t expecting much as most 3 star hotels in Cochin have the same feel.
So I reached the office by 8:40 am and had to wait till past 9:30 am until we left for the venue. Our car was driven by the tech manager Binu chettan, who is a friend of mine and a rocker & Leslie was with us – the 3 of us in the car were singing a couple of rock songs along to the car cd player. We reached the hotel at 10 am and things were setup by 10:25 and ready for us to start the workshop.
The communication agenda was mostly on the business of our center, how we have done so far the last two years and what is the action plan for the next year. After a break for coffee, in groups we prepared presentations by first jottiing down points and then discussing them. Finally each of the 5 groups entered them into a ppt on laptops. At 2 pm we stopped for a 45 min lunch break.
Now just like most 3-4 star hotels have begun to look alike in our area, the food is somewhat the same as well. Well, atleast the lunch buffets. But I must say that the quality here was quite good, much better than the other ones that I have had. Chicken noodle soup, Kerala porotta, chicken masala, fish curries, vegetable fried & masala, boiled veggies, beef chilly, lots of salad. It was delicious but I couldn’t eat much. Oh and a big dessert – ice cream, a small cake with chocolate cream, fruits, jelly & mousse. Yummy, yum yum!
Bellies full, we came back to our tables in the small hall and played a 10 minute brain buster game. Then it was time for the presentations. It took a long time for the first few presentations to get over (I took the rest through a presentation on Training) with a lot of discussion and debate. I did not like some part of it as it is blowing smoke up our collective asses.
So as the presentations went on it was obvious that we would not be able to complete them by the 7 pm cut off time. So it was decided that the other presentations would wait till the next Friday and that we would do it in the office board room. That done, we had a the small matter of cutting a cake – it was Leslie’s birthday. A few birthday bumps later, he cut a cake provided by the hotel;s in house bakery and then we left for our respective homes.
I did have some complaints against the hotel – the coffee/tea was not sweet at all, they have crappy notepads & pencils, all they had on the tables in the hall were small plates with a few polo mints and they had some work going on next to our hall – you could hear the drill making a lot of noise while we were trying to debaate.
Workshop @ The Nyle
I won’t be going to the office tomorrow…..well maybe only for a half hour. I will be attending an HOD’s offsite workshop at the Nyle Plaza, a 3 star hotel that I have never heard about until this evening.
I will leave my apartment at around 8 am and reach the office by 8:30-8:45 am. Cabs will take the participants to the hotel from 9-9:15 am. It’s going to be an 8 hour affair. Dressing is casual.
I’m not sure what the workshop is all about but I am guessing it is on leadership skills. The hotel looks great and the hall and dining rooms look beautiful. I was surprised to learn that their rates are cheaper than most others that we have tried.
Jeremy Spoke In Class Today
Who is Jeremy Stevens – I am JEREMY STEVENS!!!!
That’s true; for almost 7 months I spoke as Jeremy Stevens would. I created the name & persona (if you humour me) of Jeremy on December 29th 2002, while at home during a break from my training sessions at Aysha Infotech. I had joined the company as a Call Center Executive in July of that year & we had training for the same. The company never took off, the building of the complex halted in February 2003 and the whole project fell through by May.
I came back to Cochin and joined Aspinwall’s Call Center in June, trying to sell credit cards, cell phones & long distant phone lines to Americans. As a rule, we have to have a pseudo-name which will be easier for American ears to hear & American tongues to pronounce.
I had thought of several names but none seemed to last long. Until, that is, I came up with Jeremy. Taken after the huge 1992 hit single, JEREMY by my favs Pearl Jam, I got the surname by giving an S to my second choice of name – Steven. Hence Jeremy Stevens was born. I occasionally tried using Jeff Stevens when in the Call Center, but stopped it when people started saying “Jess? That’s a girl’s name!!!
One lady & I even had a laughing fit when she told me that she had thought I was playing a prank on her – She had heard the name as Cat Stevens!!! So despite a small deviation, it was Jeremy all the way, until I left that job.
I have come across a “Jeremy Stevens”, who is a producer, in the credits of the hit sit-com Everybody Loves Raymond. I doubt if that is how the name came to me in the middle of the night. Also, more to my pleasing, is the hit series Ed
in which actor Tom Cavanaugh’s character’s full name is Ed Jeremy Stevens. There is a Jeremy Stevenson, a retired ice hockey player who used to suit up for the Nashville Predators, Dallas Stars, Anaheim Mighty Ducks & Minnesota Wild.
But One Of The Dozen Was A Hometown Shame
Wayne’s World : Wayne & Garth Speak
“Let me bring you up to speed. My name is Wayne Campbell. I live in Aurora, Illinois, which is a suburb of Chicago — excellent. I’ve had plenty of joe-jobs, nothing I’d call a career. Let me put it this way: I have an extensive collection of nametags and hairnets. OK, so I still live with my parents, which I admit is both bogus and sad. However I do have a cable access show — and I still know how to party. But what I’d really like is to do “Wayne’s World” for a living. It might happen, tsshyeah, right, and monkeys might fly out of my butt.”
“Garth, marriage is punishment for shoplifting in some countries.”
“I say hurl. If you blow chunks and she comes back, she’s yours. If you spew and she bolts, then it was never meant to be.” (advising Garth about his fear of vomiting if he talks to his dream girl)
“I mean, there are two Darren Stevens, right? Dick York and Dick Sargeant. Yeah, right, as if we wouldn’t notice. Oh, hold on! Dick York, Dick Sergeant, Sergeant York… Wow, that’s weird.”
“It will be mine. Oh, yes — It will be mine.” (admiring a guitar in a music store)
“She will be mine. Oh, yes — she will be mine.” (on seeing Cassandra for the first time)
“I once thought I had mono for an entire year. It turned out I was just really bored.”
“Ex-squeeze me? Baking powder?” (used in place of “Excuse me, I beg your pardon?”)
“Ah yes, it’s a lot like ‘Star Trek: The Next Generation’. In many ways it’s superior but will never be as recognized as the original.”
“I know I don’t have his looks. I know I don’t have his money. I know I don’t have his connections, his knowledge of fine wines. I know sometimes when I eat I get this clicking sound in my jaw…”
(speaking to the camera) “What the hell’s going on? I lost my show, I lost my best friend, I lost my girl. I’m being shit on, that’s all, shit on, and you know what really pisses me off —” (camera pans away) “Wait, where are you goin’? OK, things aren’t that great, but I’ll get ’em back, OK?”
“Zang!” (“excellent” in Cantonese)
“Excuse me, sir — do you have any Grey Poupon?”
“”Benjamin is nobody’s friend. If Benjamin were an ice cream flavor, he’d be pralines and dick.”
“Did you ever see that ‘Twilight Zone’ where the guy signed a contract and they cut out his tongue and put it in a jar and it wouldn’t die, it just grew and pulsated and gave birth to baby tongues? Pretty cool, huh?”
“Ribbed for her pleasure. Ewww.”
“That is a babe. She makes me feel kinda funny, like when we used to climb the rope in gym class.”
“I smell bacon.” (as policeman approaches)
“Okay… First I’ll access the secret military spy satelite that is in geosynchronous orbit over the midwest. Then I’ll ID the limo by the vanity plate “MR. BIGGG” and get his approximate position. Then I’ll reposition the transmission dish on the remote truck to 17.32 degrees east, hit WESTAR-4 over the Atlantic, bounce the signal back into the aerosphere up to COMSAT-6, beam it back to SATCOM-2 transmitter number 137 and down on the dish on the back of Mr. Big’s limo. It’s almost too easy.”
“Let me tell you something about women, Wayne. They want you to come get them, they LOVE it.”
“I’m having a good time… not.” (after being stranded)
(reading from Benjamin’s planner) “‘Thursday — take over feeble cable access show, and exploit it.’ Gee, I feel sorry for whoever THAT is.”
download unknown online
(to camera) I don’t really have anything to say- HEY What’s that? (Camera looks, turns back to garth, who is walking away quickly)
“We fear change.”
Cause It’s A Bittersweet Symphony
I’m at the stage where you know that there is nothing you can do to stop a grave injustice. And that you have to watch it happening in front of your eyes.
I’ve got some good news; my long overdue promotion looks likely to happen in April. Let me remind you that it’s promotion in grade and salary – workwise I got promoted almost 9 months ago. So I had the responsibility, workload & the stress but none of the monetary benefits. Or the perks! Or the prestige! But that looks like a given come April. But there is something that is souring what should be one of the greatest moments of my life. That will ensure that the sweet wine I drink will taste absolutely bitter.
You see while I might get promoted, one of the guys who reports to me will not be getting what he has deserved. He should have got a pay hike & a grade change quite a few months back but it was stalled. Then they said the convinient word – “recession”! Then he was the unlucky scapegoat in a botched attempt by the corporate HR bitch to cover her ass. How much should this kid suffer? And throughout it all, he has performed better than I could have expected him to.
Everything I asked off him, he gave and he did it in style. He was upset and he complained but when it came to work he never compromised. He took up every challenge and came out with flying colours. He is on the verge of setting up another benchmark as far as training is concerned and if all things fall into place, he will succeed. Yet there is no place for him here. If I didn’t need this job, I would have had a few choice words for the people in management.
And so after speaking in vain to DGMs and knowing that, despite one last effort on Monday, his future here is bleak I have done the only thing that I can do. And what someone who manages a team should probably not be doing! I have arrange through a placement agency for him to attend a couple of interviews in other companies. Hopefully he will find something good there.
Lizards : The Kerala House Pets?
I am not sure about the rest of the world or even the rest of India, but here in Kerala every house seems to have atleast 5 to 10 house lizards scurrying across their walls. My house was the same and now my apartment is the same; I can’t remember ever going a day without seeing one or two lizards in my room or any of the other rooms.
These creatures don’t harm you (unless ofcourse one fell into you mouth while you were not concentrating or sleeping or if they fell in your food or drink) and they don’t make a mess. It’s not threatening in any way and I can’t remember anyone telling me that lizards were really ugly to look at. Infact I can remember my mom helping me & my sis to make lizards out of “chappaty” dough with mustard seeds as eyes.
Besides they eat insects & other monsters so they can’t be bad for us. Have we just learnt to live with them? Sure they don’t help out on the rent or expenses (chuckle) but I might miss them if suddenly the entire lot were wiped out or if I moved to a place where there were no such thing as house lizards.
Imagine being a Mallu and going abroad to Australia or England or Canada and staying in a apartment sans lizards. The very thought sounds depressing enough to make me wanna prefer only cricket on tv all the time —- strike that. I’d rather go blind that let that happen.
Watching A Golden, Rainy Evening & Cribs
While leaving the apartment this morning, I spied a golden retriever which lay sleeping in one of my neighbours house. The gate was wide open and I could watch their dog, tied to leash that was fastened to the kennel door, fast asleep towards the left of their entrance. I watched it for a while, feeling a bit of nostalgia and jealousy – remembering my faithful dog of 11 years download the wicker man dvd . Shawny was a golden too!
Last evening’s rain left the day feeling quite cool & pleasant. I love the day after a rain as long as there aren’t too water puddles in the way. Today was no different; it rained in the evening and the evening was quite cool. I kind of enjoyed my walk from the bus stop to my apartment. I stopped on the way to have a quick dinner of noodles.
I’m a little tired though not too sleepy. Just trying to listen to some music and watching video clips on Youtube of NHL player’s cribs. Man some of these guys have such wonderful looking houses!
Warn The Pope!
YEAR 1981
YEAR 2005
download notes on a scandal movie 4. POPE DIED
BarCamp Kerala 5 : TechnoPark
The 5th edition of BarCamp Kerala (BCK5), is scheduled to be on May 3rd, 2009, Sunday at TechnoPark, Thiruvananthapuram. This year the event is sponsored by Microsoft, Ventures Unlimited & Oktatabyebye.com and has some of the attendees rework the website & registration process.
It sounds like a good event and I have registered myself for the day long event. I’m planning on taking a week off in May, so I’ll try to get that done for the first week.