I hate going to hospitals, especially if it’s for me, but since my ankle hadn’t healed completely, I knew it was time for me to visit one. So around 11 am, after stopping to take some money from an ATM, I was at the nearby PNVM Hospital and asked to meet the doctor in Casualty.
I waited for my turn and told the doc my woes and then was led to the x-ray machine, just so we could rule out a fracture – hairline or otherwise. This was the fear that I had in my mind after 3 days of enduring pain on my ankle. Unfortunately the technician & people at the x-ray machine were stupid morons and less than professional. As I waited my turn, there was an older woman who was clearly ill at ease and these idiots weren’t even paying her attention.
Instead they were laughing & joking about some stupid thing that a attendant had done there the previous evening. They didn’t know the pain that the lady was going through. When they were getting my foot x-rayed, one of the girls there kept pressing my foot on the board hard and asking me to keep it straight. I glared at her after I yelled out in pain from my foot being pressed hard “Sister, if I could hold it the way you want me to, I wouldn’t be here, would I? I have a bad sprain so treat my foot like it’s injured”. That shut the 4 of them and they quitely took the x-rays and another nurse led me back to the doctor.
After a checking, he confirmed that there was no fracture but that the sprain needed bandaging and he also gave me some medicines. He assured me that I could go back to work from tomorrow as long as I kept my foot bandaged and avoid climbing stairs. I’m so glad to be going back to work – I’m needed there and I need to be there. I’ll just take it easy at the office and not go out at all for the next few days :(
And oh, yes I did. I totally flirted with the nurses while I was there.