The Sacrilegious Scorn

The Sacrilegious Scorn is off Dimmu Borgir’s In Sorte Diaboli album and is probably one of the Norwegian black metal band’s best songs. The video concept is mainly a paraphrase on Christianity’s core-symbolism and motives.

Such examples are the Roman soldiers gambling over Christ’s garment, the mockery of St. Michael the Archangel, driving Satan out of Heaven by stepping on him and pointing his sword onto him. Now we see this reversed, when the inaugurated Antichrist is doing that to St. Michael. We also witness the inauguration of the Dark Emperor in the Temple of the Baphomet, seeing him taking the oath as the new sovereign while celebrating a mockery of the Last Supper. The story culminates in the Dark Emperor showing up in front of his followers, bringing out blessings. The Empire of Darkness is then established.

Inhale Your Coffee

A Harvard professor of biomedical engineering has created this little contraption that will give you a quick & convenient fix. David A. Edwards, has developed a product that may make getting caffeine into your system a little more efficient called Le Whif Coffee, Edwards’ java jolt comes in a biodegradable container about the same size as a tube of lipstick, and is ingested by inhalation instead of drinking – a strong reminder of the ‘drug’ nature of caffeine.

Le Whif is produced through a process called particle engineering, where coffee particles are decreased in size until they can be airborne. Then, those particles are packaged up in a tiny biodegradable canister that you can carry with you on the go. With about 58 billion hot paper cups used in the U.S. each year, Le Whif could theoretically cut down on waste if people opted for it instead of grabbing a cup at Starbuck’s and tossing it.
Not sure how it will catch on, because most people like the taste and fragrance of liquid coffee. It’s an interesting alternative. Le Whif is now available at Dylan’s Candy Bar in NYC and Cardullo’s in Boston as well as on the website if you want to experience it for yourself!

ABC Of Count Roshculla

Got this simple but fun meme from Technodoll

A- My AIR CONDITIONER is set on: zilch, don’t have one here
B- My BEDROOM theme is: organized chaos
C- The CAR in the driveway is: not mine!
D- My DESK looks: small but it’s a whole lot neater than earlier
E- The EXACT time I wake up daily is: 7 am
F- The FIRST thing I wash in the shower is: my head
G- My GARAGE is filled with: sorry, no garage
H- My HOUSE is: just a small apartment actually
I- If you peeked INSIDE my bedroom you’d see: where the magic does not happen!
J- My favorite JUICE is: pineapple
K- The best part of my KITCHEN is: the fridge
L- The LAST person who visited my home was: I think it was my aunt
M- The last piece of MAIL for me was: my telephone bill
N- My NEIGHBORS think I’m: I honestly don’t know what they think of me!
O- If you OPENED my fridge you’d see: lemons
P- My last house PARTY was: ages ago!
Q- A QUICK meal I like to fix is: sandwiches with tomatoes, onions and eggs
R- My favorite ROOM of the house is: my bedroom
S- The SHAMPOO brand I use is: head & shoulders
T- My largest TELEVISION is: a broken BPL
U- UNDER my bed you will find: bunched up cable from my ISP (broadband)
V- The last time I VACUUMED was: ages ago; don’t have a vacuum cleaner
W- Looking out my WINDOW I see: a cloudy sky
X- I wish I had X-TRA: shirts
Y- My YARD is: non-existent
Z- ZZZZZZZ My bedtime is: usually around 1am

If you like this meme, please do the same in your blog and do let me know so I can read it.