My Farewell Letter That I Sent Today

After 4 long years, tumultuous changes and wonderful experiences, my tenure here has finally come to an end. I’ve learned many lessons : some pretty hard ones & some which I will look upon as pleasant but both kinds are equally rewarding & life enriching.

I’m moving on to join a small, humble start up company but we have great hopes for it and with some hard work and a little bit of luck, things will be good.

I’d like to say my thanks at this time to – (the various individuals in each department). Most importantly I would like to say that I was the proud manager of an awesome Training team & and I am going to miss them terribly – my huge thanks to Wasim, Rekha, Roopa, Rajeesh, Firdous & Dileep. Also all the trainers who have left. I hope I get to work with you guys once again some day, some where. It was the biggest honour of my life to have worked with you.

I will still keep checking to find out how the center is progressing. Best of luck to all.

So that’s it. Captain’s final log entry. Over & out! Roshan has left the building!

In the immortal words of Mr. Spock from Star Trek : Live Long and Prosper!

You Make A Grown Man Cry

So the D day was finally here, my last working day in my current company arrived and I woke up bright and early. Well maybe not so bright but certainly early. I slept quite late at 2am and woke up 4 hours later. However, I didn’t want to face the day and so curled back into my bed and wrapped my self in my sheets. However I did have to go to the office and so I finally did drag me outta bed. I left late and arrived at 10:30 am

I sat at my desk basically staring at my system and replying to a few emails. I chatted with anyone who came to sit and have a chat. I spent time with my team members. Post lunch I went to both the floors of the call center and said my goodbyes to people I knew well. That took me a good enough duration. The afternoon turned to evening and dragged on. By 5:30 pm I was asked to come to the pantry area where a few people had gathered to let me say my farewells. I started tearing up over there and rushed to the men’s room to wash my face and then tried to hid my face behind a cup of coffee.

Then HR started the ball rolling by speaking about me and my leaving the organization. Then it was the turn of some of the other employees to speak about me and I was surprised at what nice things they said. The tears started running again and as I looked at my team members they were all crying. Finally it was my turn and I managed to squeak out a few sentences and said thanks. Then it was time to cut the cake and pose for a few pictures. I hope that HR will send them to me a little later. I got a few gifts, so take a look.

The peacock, a huge thingy that I am so gonna use to decorate my new place when I finally do move there, is from my team members. I just love it. I’m not sure what it is made out off.

The HR AM gifted me with a Parker pen as did my team members; the one on the right is from the team. There’s also a standee-plaque that says good wishes and some writing on it.

Another girl from HR had gifted me a calendar cum beautiful/inspiration quotes thing which you can put on your table. I promised her that I would keep it on my work desk as soon as I start work in the new office.

This is from the two sweet girls from recruitment.Very nice.