What I Can’t Leave Home Without

Alrighty, here are some things without which I just cannot leave my home.

My Rings – I have 3 rings that I wear. They are cheap rings that I bought over 9 years ago from a roadside vendor and they have absolutely no monetary value to speak off. However they just have become a part of me, so much so that if I forget to wear them and I am outside my home, I feel naked! One of them is a thumb ring that I wear on my left thumb. I wear the other two rings on my left middle finger and my right ring finger. It’s always been like that and I never switch them around. People always ask me if either of the rings with stones in them is a special stone. I just smile and tell them that it ain’t. So why do you wear them if they are so cheap? Fuck you and mind your own business.

My phone is another thing that I can’t be without. My BlackBerry is the device that I use constantly and I rely on it a lot. Other than the quickest way to get email on the go, it’s also become my source of music on the go. With my current job, I have to travel atleast 80 minutes from home to work and the same back. Why sit in the bus doing nothing other than stare at the women passengers? Do it with some rock music blasting in your ear. So you can also add earphones to the list.

Depending on where I am going I also would add my bags & laptop to the list. I have an official bag for work related stuff and a laptop bag that you can also use for casual stuff. If I am going out for some relaxation (coffeeshop & relaxing, drinks & lunch later) I will need to carry the laptop & bag with me. A book or something along with me. If it is work related then I need to carry my official bag with me. If not I would feel lost without it. I would not feel like I am going to work if I didn’t carry my work bag with me. For the casual stuff, what if you are stuck somewhere; might as well read a book!

And I definitely need, last but not least, to carry an umbrella with me in the bag. Cause I live in Cochin, the Queen of the Arabian Sea. And we get rains a whole lot. A whole lot during the monsoon season. And sometimes during the rest of the months as well. And as much as I love the rains, I don’t like getting wet. So I need the frigging umbrella.

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