I’m not a big Fleetwood Mac fan but among the 4 to 5 songs of their that I like a lot, Go Your Own Way is tops. Here is a live version.
Day: September 25, 2011
My Top 5 Comedy Tv series
Will & Grace : This show beats out long time favourites King Of Queens & Everybody Loves Raymond which would come it at numbers 7 & 6 for me. Personally I feel that the show should have had another name – it’s not just Will & Grace but Jack & Karen to! Although the name Will, Grace, Jack & Karen would have been too much for audiences to take. Jack & Karen were hilarious on their own but when they combined together, it was dynamite. I haven’t actually seen the last season of the show so I am looking forward to getting this show on dvd or downloading it. Grace was my least fav character in the show; she was a bit whiny.
Frasier : Like my cousin used to say that the funniest part is that both Frasier & his brother Nyles were pompous snobs and they did it to great effect. I loved this show so much that I dreamed of drinking sherry and playing the piano and moving to Seattle. Even the dog is funny! Kellsey Grammar is one of my all time fav comedy actors and I usually watch anything that he is in. Except Cheers – I never did like that show at all!
Seinfeld : I know that a lot of you think this is the funniest show of all time. It’s won several awards and TV Guide’s best show of all time. I beg to differ but I still love this series. It took me a while to get into the show even though I loved Jerry from the very beginning but wasn’t sure about the eccentric character of Kramer & George too – in a few months I would look forward to them doing their stuff. I mainly watched this show on reruns and first started watching it because it was just before Friends on Indian cable tv during both shows initial runs on Star World. The show about nothing is great; however they have one big flaw – Elaine! I cannot stand that woman/character!! I avoided watching the series for a while just because of her.
Friends : Well the other show that most people claim as they best/favourite or funniest tv show of all time is the one about 6 New York based friends who go through life’s trials & fails with each other as support. The cast was tight and it showed. Funniest thing to ever come out of the US according to me. I’ve watched most episodes of this series atleast 4 times and seasons 1-6 atleast 10 times on tv in reruns. I also watched the entire series on dvd twice. I considered this to be the most addictive thing and it was my favourite sit-com or comedy show for so long – from the first time I watched it back in 1997-98 (I think). But if I remember I didn’t like it that much at first; I didn’t like Phoebe at first sight – I’d love her to death in a few months! Fav female character keeps changing from time to time; I’ve had crushes on all 3 women. But Chandler is the funniest of the lot! He really is a hoot – downright funniest character for me on tv till date. So Friends was my long time fav – what happened then?
Corner Gas : This show happened! Well, I first saw a few episodes, the first 5 I think, online back in 2007. I couldn’t get any more and almost forgot the show. Then towards the end of last year I started getting into it again after watching some interviews with the cast. Saskatchewan is funny! I started downloading the show and watched it all. Devoured it is more correct! A couple of months ago I finished the entire 6 seasons. It should have lasted atleast another 6 more! I started getting upset while watching the final season, like the first episode of season 6! How can a show this good and this funny wind up when they seemed to getting even funnier? I wanted to move to Saskatchewan and the fictional little town of Dog River if I could. I love the characters so much, they are all hilarious but Hank as the village idiot is downright belly-busting funny! 8 wonderful cast members. This is my fav & IMHO the funniest tv show ever!
Your list will defer from mine no doubt. I’d like to know which are your top 5 or top 10 comedies!