1. Get a new secure & better paying job. This is number one on my list for 2012 and it’s an urgent and immediately requirement. Due to various reasons I wish to leave my current organization and it’s a sad thing. I have only good things to say about them, despite the numerous mistakes that have been made. Still their hearts are in the right place and I was treated well there. I just wish that things get better for them. I’ve completed the final round of interview at a place that is quite near here and it’s perfect for me. We shall see; fingers crossed!
2. I really have to change my cell phone. My poor BlackBerry 8320 was dropped a few times during the last 6 months and it goes out of whack every couple of days. I’m finding it difficult to part with it but I really need an upgrade. I’m sticking with RIM – once a BlackBerry fan always a BlackBerry fan. I never fell for Apple iPhones nor Nokia or Samsung. None of the other phones have any appeal for me. I hope I can buy one in the next month or so.
3. Establish myself once again in this industry. It’s only been 10 months since I left but I’ve already forgotten a bunch of stuff and a few influential people as well. I wanna get back into the groove and become the kind of employee I know I can be and interact with a lot of people once again. In short, I wanna be a player. Not in that way silly, work wise! Ok, player in the other way too ;)