A Ghost & Sounds Of Hell

One of girls in my office, someone I trained and guided to do her job, was telling me about ghosts in her hostel, which is a convent run by nuns and tells me “if there is a god, there must a devil and ghosts are powered by the devil.” Why must every girls hostel run by nuns or devout Christians have a problem with ghosts – I do not know, but I find that is the norm!

Anyways she went on about this ghost and how the nuns do some prayers to ward her off (why don’t do an exorcism?) and still she visits them on a regular basis, scaring the girls on stairways and bathrooms. I was laughing loudly and shaking my head for a lot of it.
But then she went on step further – she told me about the Sounds of Hell! What she told me was that NASA dug a huge hole in the ground and they could hear demonic sounds and the sounds of people being tortured – which the religious minded claim to be hell. I did a quick search and found out what she was being told by the nuns – The sounds can be heard here.

And this is the urban legend she was referring too. It wasn’t in Siberia, it was a hoax (obviously) and what the heck is NASA doing digging a borehole in Siberia????

Needless to say, I laughed so hard at her, that she got embarrassed and promised me to find out about the ‘myth’ herself!!!


If I could do anything right now, this very second without hesitation is to get out here. This place, this time, this reality. 36 is more than enough. I want a new life. I have had enough of the one I have. I need a change. I need a break, I need a charge out of life!

If I could do anything I would change my life and get out of here. Especially get outta here. I would get a one-way tickey to somewhere else, a place where I could see myself living and be happy. I want to LIVE life rather than let it happen and have it pass me by! I want a place where I can have my favourite foods, drinks and beverages at arm’s length. I want to be able to hear my favourite kinds of music and my favourite artists visit the place that I live in, so I can go and enjoy seeing/hearing them live in concert. I want to be able to see all the movies that I want to see the week they get released. I want to be able to attend Scifi conventions where the actual film/tv series producers, actors and writers attend in person.

I want coffeeshops next to where I live. I want discount book stores & music stores on the same street that I live in. I want a great bar and a couple of great cafes near me. I want a weekend house near the sea side and near the mountains. I want a river flowing near where I live. I want birds chirping, lots of trees nearby and breeze blowing in at all times. I want pets – 2 kitties and 2 puppies! I want horses, I want eagles and owls. I want fish in an open aquarium. I want clean air, I want clean water. I want the woman of my dreams to share this life with me. I want lots of money and life a quiet life of contentment. I want peace and tranquility. I want good discussions on improving the human lifestyle. I want relaxation. I want a whole new life.