10 Years Younger

mindbump suggested by Spelling Search

“If tomorrow morning you woke up ten years younger, what would be the first thing that you would do?”

Good prompt! If I woke up the next day suddenly aged 10 years younger, 27, I’d do a lot of things. First I’d go back to college and enroll for a completed degree to add to my diploma. I’d also like to enroll for some other courses to improve my work skills and apply for various jobs. I’d then find a way to apply for permanent citizenship in another country – Canada or if not there then Sweden or Norway or Holland. And I’d get out of this place.

I’d also sharpen my romantic skills and start looking at younger chicks a lot more differently. I’d set the ball rolling and put out a wide net and find that young woman 24-27 who’d be perfect for me and romance her until she falls under my spell and cannot stay away from me. And then I’d make sure that I could get her a nice place to stay in and propose when the time is right and marry her after a couple of years.

What else would I do? Mostly I’d try and make it so I could leave the country and try and settle in Canada or somewhere else. That’s what I wish I could have done earlier in life but feel like it’s way too late now. I’d love to get that opportunity again. I still might get the chance but I wish I could have done it earlier.

Cold Squad – Season 3

Season 3 starts off with a bang and sets off the host of changes for the show. Gone are the dark, offices and gone are most of the main cast. Joy Tanner, Lori Ann Triolo & Bob Frazer are all replaced with only Frazer’s character Eddie being explained for – that he moved to a desk job following his near death. Michael Hogan & Peter Wingfield return as guest stars for the first two seasons. Replacing the cast are Stephen McHattie, Tamara Craig Thomas & Gregory Calpakis will now form the core of Cold Squad along with series lead Julie Stewart. Also joining are Sharon Alexander as the department’s rather sweet secretary Bernice Boyle, Richard Ian Cox as Manny a rookie officer and usually the comic relief & Gary Chalk as the new Inspector in charge of that department.

When Ally comes back from a long vacation, she is a changed person atleast physically. Gone is the, what seems now like unfit for her, red hair and instead she as dirty blonde locks. I must say that she looks sexier with the blonde look. She meets up with Inspector Ross at a bar and finds out that she might be losing her job no thanks to Ross not sticking up for her. But he himself is being replaced after the mess that caused the chief to be arrested following the revelation of her dealings & Eddie to nearly die. Ally is being set up as a scapegoat as well. Upset she breaks her glass in the bar and leaves in her car and hits a boy holding a machine gun in his hand. She crashes the car and is taken to hospital and wakes up to find that she is being charged with drunk driving and hitting a boy with her car. The gun is missing from the scene. Ally finds herself at the sidelines while the new chief, Magnus Mulray played by Michael Ironside, gets Ross to clear up the mess. Lugozzo tries to get the kid & the gang he is in to confess to the fact that street sold machine guns were involved and gets shot in the process, paralyzing part of him. Ally saves his life and shoots at one of the boys involved. The cops who were moved to this district to investigate the case – Sgt. Frank Coscorella & Det. Mickie Collander are assigned to Cold Squad. Also an undercover RCMP officer Nico Sevallis who was investigating the gangs selling machine guns to boys in the streets joins Cold Squad as his cover was blown while being tangled with the Vancouver police. Lugozzo retires and takes his pension and insurance money says goodbye to police work and to Ally.

With two Sergent’s in the same department, there are bound to be a lot of friction as both Ally & Coscorella don’t see eye to eye. Meanwhile Mickie & Nico gel much better even giving advice & genuine concern for the way each others love lives are going. Nico is having problems with his long time girlfriend as he is unable to get her pregnant and they break up towards the end of the season while Mickie is courted by married prominent defense lawyer Bailey Gallanson (David Pallfy) and the two begin a torrid adulterous love affair. Coscorella has a troubled son who is depressed and the fighting between his parents does not help. At the station the boy almost kills himself so Frank & his wife take him to Toronto for treatment. The 13 episode season is dominated by two main cases – other than the one with the gun gangs, for which Ally has to undergo a lot of scrutiny by a Internal Affairs investigation headed by an officer who seems to have a personal grudge against her and the case of Anita Dunn (Alisen Down in one of her best roles) & several girls & prostitutes who were raped & murdered. Anita is a young college student who was raped & had her hair chopped off by Lance Rivet who is in jail, serving a sentence of 8 years. Frank investigating the case of several prostitutes & girls murdered after being rapes gets a lead that a person who possibly worked with Lance might be the likely suspect. In exchange for early parole, which Anita must agree to be sanctioned, Lance will give up the name & location of the suspect – TJ Laper! TJ a guy known for roughing up women has raped and murdered the young girls & several prostitutes but there is no case against him and Ally is frustrated on questioning him.

Lance gives up a location for bodies that TJ has buried and a lock of TJ’s red hair is found with the remains of the victims but TJ is missing. Lance is paroled and has to move to Regina, seemingly having set this whole thing up with TJ so as to get himself freed early and now Frank is furious. Anita meanwhile finds solace in Nico and keeps calling him and coming to meet him as she feels safe with him. She has him patrolling her apartment as she says she saw someone hanging around that could be Lance. Nico ends up sleeping on her couch a couple of nights to make her feel safe but it is obvious that Anita is falling for him. As the investigation for murdered prostitutes continues with joint efforts from another division, Lance is brought in from Regina for help on identifying TJ’s methods and also since hair chopped off was found at another crime scene. Anita is stunned and devastated on running into Lance at the police station. That night Nico promises to stay the night after his work is done but Anita is gagged, raped and her hair cut off by TJ – who tries to frame Lance for outing him. Nico & Frank both blame themselves for Anita’s death but they must catch the two criminals. Frank sets up Lance for the fall from TJ and suspicious by nature both the criminals end up shooting each other. TJ dies on the spot while Frank watches Lance bleed out, not allowing Ally to call for an ambulance until it’s too late.

Mickie who’s affair with Bailey had progressed to serious is upset that he won’t divorce his rich wife and the two run into his teenage daughter who seems them kissing. This leads to his wife making a huge scene at the police station embarrassing Mickie while Bailey calms her down. After long telling her that he won’t leave his wife, Bailey gives her some jewellery as a gift and tells her that he if finally going to divorce his wife. Mickie is happy but it is short lived. She is arrested on suspicions of having killed Bailey’s wife who ends up being shot by a same kind of gun that she carries. Her gun seems to have been fired and Bailey claims that she went missing the previous night when in fact she was actually asleep with him. He set her up to take the fall for killing his own wife. What will happen in the 4th season?