Top Grossing Marvel Movie Characters

Top grossing Marvel movie characters

Comic book movies are becoming ever more popular, with roughly three of these films released every year and superhero games also start become more popular at sites like iPad Casino. Marvel are the most successful company, with most of the films based on their characters being hits – and these are the top five.

The Avengers – $1.51 billion

Given that it features all the big Marvel characters and actors like Robert Downey Jr, Scarlett Johansson and Chris Hemsworth, alongside direction from Joss Whedon, The Avengers was guaranteed to be a hit. It was Marvel’s first film to make over a billion in ticket sales, and still remains its highest grossing film.

Iron Man 3 – $1.21 billion

Iron Man 3, starring Robert Downey Jr as the title character and Gwyneth Paltrow as Pepper Potts, broke numerous box office records. It became the second highest grossing Marvel movie in a mere two weeks after its release and has remained there since.

Iron Man 2 – $623.9 million

Although it made almost half as much as its successor, this second Iron Man from 2010, still comfortably makes third spot on the list. It made $2.2 million at the box office on its opening day in European cinemas, thanks to the presence of Black Widow Scarlett Johansson and Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury.

Iron Man – $585.2 million

This 2008 film started the Iron Man ball rolling, introducing Downey Jr as irascible billionaire Tony Stark, although its global box office take of $585.2 million seems positively miniscule now. Alongside North America and Canada, it topped the box office in most of Europe and Asia.

X-Men: The Last Stand

The X-Men franchise is another of Marvel’s big guns and this 2006 film with series regulars Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart and Sir Ian McKellen was the biggest of them all at the box office. It was the top box office film in 26 countries outside the U.S., and broke Memorial Day weekend box office records in that country.

The success of the Marvel universe shows no signs of stopping, with the sequel of the Avengers – Avengers:the Age of Ultron and the Antman arriving in cinemas soon, making it tough to see how any other company can beat them.