A contagious disease requires you to be put into quarantine for a whole month (don’t worry, you get well by the time you’re free to go!). How would you spend your time in isolation?
Only a month hmmm? I guess that will be ok and it will pass by quickly. As long as I have a few books to read, high speed internet and yes access to good food I will be fine. My mp3 collection as well and oh yeah a large flat screen tv with cable and a dvd player or something like that. Possibly a HDMI cable to connect the laptop to the flat screen so I can download or stream movies off the internet.
Will they provide good food? Like pizza, burger, steaks and stuff? What about alcohol and beer? I guess that will depend on the kind of disease it is and the treatment required. But yeah I can stay away from the good food and drink as long as my mind is occupied and otherwise entertained. That’s all I ask for and yeah a comfy bed and chair. Bring it on!
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