Do Not Become This!

Do you ever find yourself doing something your parents used to do when you were a kid, despite the fact you hated it back then?

Well perhaps little things but I just wanted to share something my sister posted on our cousins’ Whatapp group a couple of days ago.

Apparently when my sister goes all parental, complaining and argumentive with her kids, especially her two older sons, they plead with her to stop becoming “mummy”! Mummy as in my sister’s and my mother aka their grandmother. See my nephews and niece call their mother (my sister) “amma” which is the Malayalam word for mother but because they have grown up hearing my mother being referred to as “mummy” by my sister & me from day 1, they also call my mom that.

Now my mother is a frantic, don’t do this, don’t do that, worries and complains all the time, over motherly and over fussy and “what are they eating, drinking, pooping, sleeping, wearing” kinda mom that turned into the same but older version as a grandma. So when they say that to her, my sister’s reply is “I won’t as long as you pick up your stuff and put them away, do the small chores I ask you to do and behave”! And then they do as they have been told. Which works both ways :D

I found that so funny!

Prompt from The Daily Post at

Home Isn’t Home Until…

Name five things in your house that make it a home.

In no particular order these are the five things that make my home a home for me. These are what seems right to me:

  • A nice comfy bed with mattress. A lot of people rent out in houses and apartment and especially younger chaps, use thin mattresses that they lay on the ground to sleep in and in the morning they roll it up and push it to one side. Without a nice thick mattress on a proper mattress it ain’t home.
  • My stuff – my laptop & speakers, my files on various 1TB hard drives, a desk and a chair and my collection of books and dvds and yes ofcourse my now growing collection of Star Trek starships! If I don’t have these things with me, then it isn’t as comfortable as I want it to be. Even if I had 5 star accommodations and luxuries like room service catering to my every whim & fancy, it just won’t be the same.
  • My music – although I have been listening to my collection less and less these days, what with my work scheduled and my addiction to Youtube, I still need my music collection with me. If I can’t blast my music (within reasonable volume) on my speakers during any time of the day, it just isn’t a place that I can call mine.
  • A fridge, gas stove, my electric stove, food to cook, beverages to make & drink – this is despite the fact that I cannot cook much on my own, but enough to just get up using the same ingredients and repeating the same dishes 2 to 3 times a week! I need to be able to stock some beer, some vodka, lots of coffee, some soft drinks and juice and my snacks. If I cannot, then it isn’t home at all!
  • Other than the bed, you have to have some more comfort as well. Like your chairs, tables, sofas and watching tv lying down on your couches and being able to walk in your underwear or even naked through out your home. If you have these then it is a home.

I hope that answers the question.

Prompt from The Daily Post at