This here little list is my personal list of my top 11 films released 2017 that I have watched. So you might see a couple of noticeable exclusions – that’s because I haven’t seen them yet. I will eventually get to them at some time in the near future. So here is my list:
- Justice League
- Logan
- Wonder Woman
- Spider-Man : Homecoming
- Despicable Me 3
- Thor : Ragnarok
- War For The Planet Of The Apes
- Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
- Alien : Covenant
- IT
- Blade Runner 2049
There are a few that I think would make it to this list if I had been able to see it like The Shape Of Water, Star Wars : The Last Jedi & maybe Dunkirk – I really doubt the last one as I am not usually a fan of war movies and I don’t get the James Nolan hype.