Talk Show Host

If You Had Your Own Talk Show, Whom Would You Want to Interview?

Lots of people. Some may not be the very famous people who you see all the time on the talk show circuits around the world. Well some would and a lot of them might not but they sure would be interesting. Actors, musicians, singers, directors, producers, writers and authors. Sportsmen and women (but mainly from football and NHL and a few others).

I would like to have a nice looking set with expensive leather chairs, even recliners or sofas. I would want it to be a very casual setting and make sure that my guests are very comfortable. And we’d talk about personal stuff, interesting anecdotes and events and secrets and special things.

All good stuff.

Prompt from The Learning Network at The New York Times

Amazon Purchase : New Wallet

I usually keep my wallets for a long time but these days,  I dunno, it’s like they don’t make wallets built to last anymore. I had a really nice one back in 2010, which was one of the birthday gifts I got for my 34th birthday but which I only used in 2011 as my then wallet was still very good. And that lasted for 2 years.

Since then I have had wallets that lasted about a year or less each time I buy it. The worst was this last one – beautiful brown leather but the thing got ripped on the edges in just a few months. I think it lasted about 6 months or maybe 7! That is ridiculous.

So I have been looking online on for a new wallet and found way too many that I like. I eventually went with an almost plain black one with that wavy white stitch line in the middle and that clasp on the end. I think I like this one. Let’s see how long this one lasts. It should be here in 2 more days.

Ringing In The New Year

Well it’s back to work we go…….high ho, high ho! It’s the 2nd of January and after two and a half days of relaxing at home doing nothing much I have to get back to work. I will be having more of these type of weekends, relaxing at home and watching movies or tv shows rather than going out. Except for next weekend as I need to go shopping for some shirts.

How did I spend the weekend? After working 10:30 am to 4pm on Saturday, I left to get a late lunch – a McSpicy chicken wrap with fries and a coke at McDonald’s. That done I left for home and decided that I would stay in for the rest of the time off. I drank a beer and enjoyed some chicken wings & garlic bread from Pizza Hut that my folks brought home after their shopping at Center Mall. Oh their wings were succulent and juicy! I also watched The Rock.

Dec 31st was watching a couple of movies – Alien 3 & Alien Resurrection and a bunch of Seinfeld episode after midnight. I ordered fried rice, naan, chappathy, chili chicken & tandoori chicken for my mom, sister and niece and I also had two Carlsberg beers. Dad went to the club for New Year’s eve dinner and drinks. New Year’s Day I have a no drink policy. I just watched a lot of Youtube videos, had home made chicken curry for lunch with rice and with chappathy for dinner and watched Spider-man : Homecoming and Alien vs Predator : Requiem. Totally relaxing and no stress whatsoever!

Happy 11th Blogaversary

Happy 11th birthday to my blog Awake & Dreaming & a happy 11th Blogaversary to me! I can’t believe that it’s been 11 years already.

It was on the 1st of January that I setup this blog in a day with the help of my cousin (over the phone), who guided me through the process and by night I had the thing setup. Then I installed WordPress and started blogging. I then spent many days trying out various themes; I think this one here is the 30th or so theme that I have tried out. But yeah, 30 themes in 11  years ain’t so bad!

This isn’t my first blog; I first started blogging in 2002, through, when I lived in Calicut and continued with it when I moved back to Cochin. I was an inconsistent blogger, nothing having an internet connection at home & from 2003 till 2006, not having a computer at home. By 2005 I started getting more & more into blogging and I created a new one in and called it Count Roshculla : Awake & Dreaming. I started spending more time in internet cafes and hence could blog a lot more consistently. But I always wanted my very own website & domain and I wanted to install WordPress. That was achieved on January 1st, 2007.

Unlike a lot of people who used to blog regularly, I have continued. 90% of bloggers I used to follow have moved onto Facebook but I persist. I don’t read much blog posts anymore as Youtube, Twitter and Facebook having taken up much of my time on the internet but I have kept my blog up. And I will continue to do so for as long as I can. I find this quite therapeutic and enjoy blogging. Here’s to another year!

ROSHAN’S ELEVEN: First 11 Songs Listened To In 2018

Every year on January 1st, I post about the first 11 songs that I listen to on my Mp3 player on my system. I pick them at random or like today when I specifically selected a couple of songs because I was thinking about them.

  • Baby, When You’re Gone – Bryan Adams & Mel C
  • Skinned – Blind Melon
  • In This Life – Chantal Kreviazuk
  • Sleeping With You – Firehouse
  • Hands Clean – Alanis Morissette
  • Can’t Fight This Feeling – REO Speedwagon
  • I Make The Dough, You Get The Glory – Kathleen Edwards
  • Sleepy Maggie – Ashley MacIssac
  • Be Yourself – Audioslave
  • My World – Avril Lavigne
  • Straw Hat And Old Dirty Hank – Barenaked Ladies