I don’t understand what’s wrong with people in general – who the fuck are you to tell others what to eat and what not to eat? If you don’t happen to like a certain dish, ingredient or type of food then don’t eat it. But creating a lot of hype over hating it and making others not want to eat them or mocking the dish and people who opt to eat it is just like a douchebag.
For example the whole Hawaiian pizza debacle. Ok – you don’t like pineapple pieces on your pizza. Great! Don’t eat it. Do not order it when you go to a pizzeria or any restaurant that has pizzas on their menu. But leave alone the dish and people who like and love the taste of something sweet to offset the saltiness of the rest of the pizza.
I have not had the real Hawaiian pizza – meaning ham and pineapple and cheese on pizza sauce – more than once. The other times I have had the chicken version. Grilled chicken or bbq chicken with pineapple and cheese on a pizza. Sometimes peppers and jalapenos as well. It is delicious. Now I will admit that I prefer smaller chunks to avoid the pizza getting too soggy as you don’t want that. Also it helps not to have pineapple juice drooling down your chin as you chomp into the pizza.
So smaller pieces, tiny quarter bite sizes even is fine. A bit of sweet along with the savoury. Yum!