Foodies Without Internet

If the Internet disappeared tomorrow, how would you continue to share your love of food?

Perish the thought! How would we let other people know what we are eating for lunch or dinner.

Ah, remember the good ole days where if you ate a great meal, you would only talk about it to the people you happen to be eating it with and perhaps possibly the next day when you went back to school or college or work,  you’d tell you friends about it? But you couldn’t show them the photos of it could you?

So if there were no Facebook, Twitter or Instagram and no internet, the world wouldn’t end for foodies. We would still eat the food we love and enjoy it and tell our friends and family about the awesome places and menu items to eat. I would write about it on a journal atleast. Cameras are still there right, so I can take photos of it and share it in a smaller group.

Prompt from 16 WRITING PROMPTS FOR FOOD BLOGGERS @ Food Bloggers Of Canada