7 things you learned from being a kid
1. Cartoons are the best. My generation had the best time and had the best fun watching the best cartoons. Then the late 1990s hit and all cartoon became shit.
2. Playing games & sports outside with your friends is great for growing up as a kid.
3. When we didn’t have cable and had just a few tv shows that we could watch, we had more entertainment as the shows we got were guaranteed to be the best at that time.
4. Spending an afternoon reading comics is something that I miss as an adult. There is something so safe about lying on your bed and reading Archies or TinTin and getting lost in their worlds on a lazy afternoon.
5. School was actually fun. It was great being in school and growing up. I realize that I had great friends and we had great teachers who really cared about us.
6. Hanging out with your friends as kids is something really special. Not doing much other than watching a movie together or listening to music or just trading jokes. It’s a special time.
7. When we grew up and turned teens I feel like it was truly the end of the innocence.
Prompt from Sweet ideas: 50 things to blog about