3 Tips To Get Your Children Excited For Going Back To School

1. Do back to school shopping together

Shiny new shoes, glittery notepads and decorated binders are a great way to get your child motivated about going back to school. Take them along for back?to?school shopping with a shopping list and budget (older kids can take this opportunity to practise their maths skills). Going lunch shopping is a fun activity too – your child will love picking out the snacks they’d like to munch on for their first week of school. Having a little practice opening, closing and packing lunchboxes and schoolbags can also help with independence and making those crazy mornings less fraught.

2. Re-Decorate Their Homework Space

Let’s face it, homework isn’t the most fun activity around. But you can help your kids get excited about doing their schoolwork by ensuring that there is a designated space just for them. Whether it’s a desk in their room or a special area in the living room, create a space that’s imaginative and reflective of their personality. During the pandemic, we were distance learning, and what was normally their workspace became their school desks. Now that they’ve been back to school, it’s a homework space again, and I want them excited about it! I’ve let them each design and decorate the space so it’s a fun and educational area to focus and learn!

3. Share Your Love for Learning

Our kids—especially the little ones—follow by example. I love to talk to them about what they’re learning in class, but more importantly, I love to talk about my school experience. Whether it’s things I struggled with, my favorite classes, or books I loved, I think it’s so important to share our love for learning with our kids. With the kids going back to school, it’s more important than ever to share your love for learning! Take an active role in getting them excited about classes, assignments, homework, and more.

Would You Want Your Photo or Video to Go Viral?

Yes but for the right ways. Like I don’t want something to be controversial or funny at my expense or someone else’s expense. But yes I would like a pic or a video that I have taken to go viral. I would love that so much.

The one video that I have shot that has gotten a bunch of views – 103k to be exact. That video, which was shot back in September, 2019 is the unboxing and first impressions of this very same laptop that I am writing this post on. I got a bunch of likes and many, many comments on it and I love the feeling every time I check that video.

So yes I would like my videos to get much more views than I currently get. I want regular 1 million views in all the stuff that I choose to put out there, photos and videos. It feels good and ofcourse it pays off for you.

Prompt from Over 1,000 Writing Prompts for Students at The New York Times Learning Network