Who In Your Life Introduces You To New Music?

Well I think I should Youtube sometimes introduces me to new music. When I search for songs or artists that I love and normally listen to, at times I see suggestions/recommendations for a like minded song or artist and if I am curious enough I will click on it. Sometimes it’s just ok and sometimes it’s a pleasant surprise.

In the early 2000s I used to actively search for new music because of apps like Napster and the like. I would frequent a lot of chat sites and search for people who had similar interests and they would suggest musical bands for me to check out. Bands that I had never had the chance to see on MTV or Channel V or that was heavily in the mainstream. Some of the bands that I got suggested to on these chat sites are now among my favourite bands.

I am also a member of a couple of music oriented Facebook pages and I share videos of songs that I love and sometimes I check out the songs that are shared which I have never heard before. Sometimes from bands that I have never heard of before and at times I am stunned by the awesome music. This is a great way to get into more music.