The Three Halloween Episodes On Frasier

“Halloween” (season 5, episode 3)

The best Frasier Halloween episode is its very first one. Simply titled “Halloween,” this season 5 episode is not just one of the show’s best farces, but also contains a major reveal that changes a character’s entire story arc across the series. At a Halloween party hosted at Niles’ apartment, the very inebriated psychiatrist somehow gets the wrong end of the stick and believes that Daphne is pregnant with Frasier’s child. Someone’s pregnant, alright, but it turns out to be someone else in the episode’s jaw-dropping final twist. It’s also notable for featuring a cameo from Kelsey Grammer’s then-wife, Camille. It’s worth a watch for the sight of David Hyde Pierce in a Cyrano de Bergerac nose alone.

“Room Full of Heroes” (season 9, episode 6)

It took another four seasons before Frasier returned to the Halloween well. Perhaps because of the hi-jinks of what happened the last time, this Halloween celebration sees the gang gather for a more intimidate party at Frasier’s place. For a psychological experiment, Frasier demands that they all dress as their heroes and stay in character. Frasier is Sigmund Freud, Roz is Wonder Woman, Daphne is Elton John, Martin is Joe Di Maggio, but Niles goes as Martin. Father and son bond well at first, but a drunken Niles (apparently he can’t get through Oct. 31 without getting sozzled) spoils the fun when he accidentally reveals his belief that Martin is ashamed of his sons. There’s lots of cosplay comedy in the first half, but the tragic turn this one takes makes it a surprisingly hard watch.

“Tales from the Crypt” (season 10, episode 5)

Frasier squeezed out one more Halloween episode in its penultimate season, which is one of the more memorable entries in an otherwise solid if slightly patchy run. In “Tales from the Crypt,” Frasier and KACL colleague Bulldog’s old prank war begins again, with the stakes being raised each time until the hilarious finale, in which an attempt to convince Bulldog the zombie apocalypse has happened appears to take a murderous turn. The whole zombie attack sequence is a riot, with the various heist movie-like twists and turns giving the episode a unique format and feel. There’s also a complimentary subplot about Daphne’s mother Gertrude having her own prank battle with the neighbor kid who previously appeared in “Room Full of Heroes” (as played by Steven Anthony Lawrence — aka Beans from Even Stevens).

Nostalgic Look Back At A Trip To Munnar With Friends

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Hmmm, I will have to go back in time to a lifetime ago, all the way back to 1998. Why? Read on to find out why. I was around 22 at the time and studying in NIIT and having a fun time with my fellow students. As our course was coming towards the last couple of months of a 2 year course (albeit for me, I took a month or two off and joined a different batch after 1 semester as I voluntarily got a circumcision due to having tight skin). The second set of guys and gals that I had joined after coming back was a much better set of people and good friends to spend some time with.

So it was natural that we would want to cap off a great two years, give or take a few months as a gap in between, with something to create a special memory of our time together. So we decided to take a quick trip to Munnar and hang out for a day. We picked a Saturday that all of us would be free, booked a Tempo Traveller van & driver who would take us to the place and drop us back at our homes. We got the budget and pooled our money for the rental, petrol and breakfast, lunch plus snacks & drinks. We decided to leave early and have breakfast on the way. So we left early and spent the day at a tea plantation.

We took a bunch of photos and talked and laughed a lot. We found a small little patch of land covered in grass that was on a lake that was perfect for a picnic and we had lunch and some soft drinks there and took more pics there and spent a good 2 hours just chatting. We left pretty soon and reached home by 6pm. Now this trip is a happy memory but it is a nostalgic and sad one for a special reason. I had to borrow my sister’s camera for this trip and I didn’t have one for a long time since the age of 18 I think. This was the age of film. The morning of that day, I took one of only 2 photos I have of my beloved dog, Shawny the Golden Retriever. The other one is of her behind the kennel we had for her and so it isn’t very clear, so this is the only proper pic I have of her.

And that makes me sad! But I am glad that I have this one.

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