Eight Facts About Labrador Retrievers

1. Labs Love the Water

In fact, these dogs were made for the water! Their thick tail (sometimes called an “otter tail”) is used as a powerful rudder, their webbed feet help them swim fast, and their thick, waterproof coats keep them happy even in cold water, like the icy Newfoundland waters where they were first bred. All of these traits make Labs great competitors in Diving Dogs trials.

2. They Are Purpose-Bred Hunting Dogs

Labs started out as duck retrievers, and after they were brought back to England in the 1800s, the British bred them as game-hunting companions. Today, they’re excellent retrievers who can work in a variety of settings, including waterfowl hunting and game hunting, often for many hours at a time. You’ll find Labs excelling in Retriever Field Trials and Retriever Hunting Tests.

3. They’re Very Versatile Workers

Thanks to their intelligence, eagerness to please, and willingness to work hard, Labradors are invaluable workers in a variety of fields. They’re among the most popular choices for service dog work, as well as search and rescue, bomb and drug detection, and therapy dog work.

4. Be Prepared for Endless Energy

Though they’re famously laid-back, Labs were made to run, swim, and work. Labs that don’t receive ample exercise, including at least one long, brisk walk per day, might end up displaying destructive behaviors, like chewing on objects around the house or escaping the yard.

5. Puppy Training and Obedience Classes Are Highly Recommended

These bold, bouncy dogs are strong and full of energy, so proper training and socialization are essential. Luckily, with their eager-to-please, intelligent demeanors, these dogs can make training classes a joy for themselves and their owners.

6. They Come in Three Conformation Colors

The three colors are yellow, black, and chocolate. All three colors of Labrador Retrievers are shown in the same ring during dog shows.

7. They’re Incredible Versatile Sporting Dogs

With their characteristic intelligence, obedience, and eagerness to please, Labradors excel at a variety of dog sports. Besides dock diving and hunting trials, they tend to perform very well in sports like Agility, AKC Rally, and Obedience.

8. Color Is Not an Indication of Character

Some claim that yellow Labs are the laziest of the breed, while black Labs are the best hunters, but none of these claims are supported by science. Like people, each dog is different, and some breeders develop their stock for its skills in the field, while others are concerned more with conformation to the breed standard. However, none of these differences directly depend on the dog’s color.

Five Weird Laws In Thailand

1) It’s illegal to leave the house without your underwear on.

Now, I don’t know about you, but I’m not accustomed to strolling the streets sans pants, so this particular law isn’t exactly something I feel like I really need to think about. That said, if you do have a penchant for airy nethers, I don’t really see how this law can be checked or enforced, so you’re probably safe. Just don’t head out without your trousers, too – that’d be a dead giveaway.

2) It’s a crime to step on any Thai currency.

Again, this isn’t one I think is particularly difficult to avoid. Personally, I don’t go to the trouble of switching my currency only to fling it on the pavement and start trampling it, but just in case it’s a hobby of yours, consider your time in Thailand an enforced detox from it.

3) It’s a punishable offence to throw (used) chewing gum on the pavement.

I wouldn’t really class this one as silly – unusual, perhaps, but not an out-and-out silly one of the laws in Thailand. Plus, it’s one that’s definitely worth bearing in mind because there’s a pretty hefty fine if you get caught (nearly £400). The penalty for skipping that fine? Jail. That’s one costly piece of litter.

4) You mustn’t drive a car shirtless.

Clearly, this is only something to think about if you’re planning on hiring a car, but since us Brits do tend to be keen to whip off as many clothes as possible as soon as the temperature becomes mildly warm, it’s probably one that’s worth bearing in mind.

5) It’s a criminal offence to be critical of the king or other members of the Thai royal family.

I had a little trouble deciding whether this one should fall into the ‘unusual’ or ‘serious’ category because, in my opinion, it fits both. But as you can see, the weirdness of it won in the end. The sentence for being caught making defamatory comments – known as Lese Majeste – is usually three to 15 years (sometimes more!) in prison, though, making it no laughing matter – so mind your Ps and Qs.