The Only Kind Of New Year’s Eve Party I Want

How do you love to spend New Year’s Eve?

I don’t want an exotic locale or a fancy party. I don’t want a live band or fancy drinks and cocktails. I want to be with my family. I want us to play some music, great songs from the past and have lots of fun time. I want us to have plenty of good, tasty yet simple food. Lots of snacks – chicken, beef & fish. And plenty of drinks. Beer, whiskey, vodka and brandy.

One nice big hall with airconditioning an comfortable chairs and tables. Some play stuff for the kids. My mu and aunts at one big table or two, sitting with their cold drinks and snacks. My dad and uncles sitting around a big table with their drinks in hand. My cousins and I sitting with our drinks and yakking ten to the dozen. Talking about the memories of the years gone by and cracking bad jokes. No one is not happy and not laughing for more than 10 seconds.

We sing in the new year. Some dinner and then ice cream. And then we all part ways. Simple and yet this is the best and only kind that I want.


Five Weird Laws In Colorado

In Boulder, it’s permitted to “insult, taunt, or challenge” police officers––until they ask you to stop

Let’s get this out of the way right off the bat. It’s a bad, bad idea to verbally assault officers no matter where you are, even if it’s Boulder. But that doesn’t change the fact that the specific language of the city of Boulder’s “Fighting Words” ordinance clearly states that it’s perfectly legal until the police officer “requests the person to cease and discontinue the conduct.”

Want to buy a car on a Sunday in Colorado? You’re out of luck

For some reason, Colorado doesn’t permit the sales of automobiles on Sundays. However, if you’re in the market for tires or other car accessories, those are perfectly legal to purchase on Sundays. The law strictly applies to dealerships, but also applies to “premises or residences.” It’s hard to tell how this law benefits Colorado’s citizens or the state’s automotive industry, but it’s the law of the land.

Vail’s anti-junk law

Vail is heavily invested in keeping its ski town posh and beautiful, and it uses legal mechanisms like its junk law to do it. Any material classified as “junk” is not allowed to be stored next to public buildings or private residences. A potential issue with the law is the fact that what’s considered artful, sentimental, or useful to one resident can be thought of as a junky nuisance to another. Outdoor art installations come to mind.

Logan County prohibits kissing sleeping women

Home of an especially desolate stretch of 1-76 and some of Colorado’s sparsest populated communities, Logan County has an odd law on its books worthy of being on this list. If a woman is asleep, it’s illegal to kiss her. This begs the question of how many local couples knowingly or unwittingly break this law on a weekly basis. Why and how this ever became law isn’t clear, but what is clear is the fact that it’s impossible to enforce in almost every instance.

Public use of catapults, blowguns, slingshots, and the throwing of snowballs are unlawful in Aspen

If you’re planning on moving to Aspen and building some sort of medieval catapult, you might want to reconsider. When you’re in the town of Aspen, it’s illegal to launch things at a person or property through not only catapults, but also slingshots, blowguns, and good ol’ fashioned snowball fights. The catapult mention makes this law seem a little obscure, but it’s essentially designed to keep things from being launched at local residents and visitors. Even so, it’s interesting to think about an obscure catapult snowball battle that happened in Aspen’s past that led to this legislation.