To continue with Adopt A Shelter Cat Month, write about the benefits of adopting an older/senior cat.
1. They have an established personality
When you get a kitten, you don’t quite know what sort of character they’ll grow up to have. They could be a chatty cat, a serial snoozer, an aloof kitty or a lap lover, their personality is likely to change a lot in their first few years of life. When you adopt a mature moggy from Cats Protection, we’ll be able to tell you lots about their personality, either from their previous owner or the time they’ve spent with us in care, so you’ll have a better idea of what to expect from your new cat companion (including where their favourite spot for a fuss is!).
2. They’ll be a calming companion
Kittens have a lot of energy and they can be a lot of work as a result. They can get into all sorts of trouble as they explore your home at top speed (it’s not unusual to discover they’ve scaled the curtains!) and so they need lots of interactive playtime to help tire them out. An older cat is likely to be a lot calmer, and happier to spend more time snoozing and cuddling up with you.
3. They may be more suited to a busy lifestyle
If you have a kitten, you will need to keep a close eye on them to make sure they don’t get into any mischief, and they’ll probably wants lots of interaction from you throughout the day. If you’re out of the house for long periods of the day, or busy getting things done around the home, an older cat might be a better option as although they’ll still want some attention from time to time, they’re also likely to happily snooze while you get on with your tasks.
4. They can still be fun
Although they don’t have quite as much energy as kittens, older cats will usually still love to have regular short play sessions if you find the toys they like (fishing rod toys are often a favourite!) and they’ll still have lots of fun quirks to bring a smile to your face every day.
5. They can be great pets for families
If you have children of your own or any young family members who like to visit, they will likely want to play with your cat. Kittens can get quite over-excited during play, sometimes misdirecting their hunting behaviour onto people instead of toys, and picking up bad habits such as playing with fingers and toes. While older cats still like to play, they’re likely to be calmer and less boisterous with younger family members.
Prompt from June Blogging Prompts at