5 More Weird Laws In Quebec

Most Bars & Nightclubs Have To Close At 3 A.M.

Can someone explain why we can’t dance the night away until sunrise? Wouldn’t it be nice to have more events like Montreal’s annual Nuit Blanche? Nightlife in France ends when you emerge from the club at 6 a.m. and you go straight to the nearest bakery for breakfast. Montreal has been testing all-night nightlife on several occasions in 2022 and 2023, but sadly, the regular last call is at 3 a.m.

Weed Is Legal — But Only When Sold By The Government 

The fact that cannabis is legal for recreational use in Canada is already mind-blowing when you come from abroad. But what most of us find even more surprising is that only the government-owned SQDC can legally sell pot in Quebec. I can’t picture the Indian government selling weed to its citizens, ever.

You Must Pay Driving License Fees Every Year Before Your Birthday 

What a lovely birthday present from the SAAQ! A few weeks before your date of birth, the Crown corporation reminds you to pay fees to keep your driving privilege. Luckily, it only costs $24.75 this year thanks to an “insurance contribution vacation” implemented by the government.

French Words Must Be Bigger Than English Words On Signs

Most of us understand the intention of keeping the French language predominant in Quebec. But Quebec must be one of the few places on Earth to have legislation about font size on signs. The law doesn’t prevent grammar and spelling mistakes on local signs, according to a study by the Office québecois de la langue française (OQLF).

Turning Right At The Red Light Is Permitted Everywhere Except In Montreal

The prohibition applies mostly to Montreal for the safety of pedestrians and cyclists. The rest of Quebec allows it. Try not to forget, or you might get in trouble!

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