You just inherited a dilapidated, crumbling-down grand mansion in the countryside. Assuming money is no issue, what do you do with it?
Well get me all the money I need to make that into a swanky, posh hotel or a b&b and I will get it done. Fix the exteriors, rip up all the flooring and put new ones in. Whole new paint, tears some walls down if needed and put up new ones. Make sure that the building is solid.
Add a few extensions as well – place for tennis court, basketball or something like that. Swimming pool, bbq area with a lawn at the back. Like a big lawn. Hire the best interior decorates for paints, wall hangings, chandeliers, sofas, cushions, beds and mattresses, cupboards, shelves etc etc. Hire good chefs for the food and servers serving the food as well as the drinks. A good bartender. Maids and butlers. Musical performances in the evenings. The works.
So give me the money already!
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