An Update: Dad’s In Hospital

An update : Some of my cousins already know but – my father has suffered a mild stroke a couple of days back but none of us were able to detect it till late Monday evening (not that he had a stroke but that something had affected him, especially in his speech). He himself seemed unaware of anything like a stroke just that he was feeling more tired than usual. But yes it was a mild stroke. He went to the hospital on Tuesday morning and the MRI results confirmed that he has a mild stroke and he was admitted to the hospital.

My mum is staying with him round the clock as he gets medicines, I’m on evening & night duty plus getting him stuff. My sister is there during the day so my dad has plenty of company & support plus we have relatives galore who are in & out visiting & cheering my dad. My dad is recovering, much better today than yesterday, much better yesterday than the day before and his appetite is back. He will start some physio therapy soon to help his motor functions. He seems ok and will be back home soon.

Those who know him and want to enquire about his health can either call me or my sister (unless you already have)

4 thoughts on “An Update: Dad’s In Hospital

  1. Get well soon uncle …

  2. Wishing your Dad well soon :)

  3. G says:

    Hope your dad gets well soon !! :)

  4. Roshan says:

    Thank you all. He’s fine and doing better and back at home.

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