Barfi Grown Up

I finally went to see Barfi (my sister’s Pup) again; the last time I saw him he was a wee puppy back in October 2012 a little after my sister & brother-in-law got him for their kids. He’s grown quite a bit and I went to my sister’s apartment this afternoon to see him as I’ll be taking care of him / baby-sitting him for a few evenings as my sister & her family are on holiday. During the day my sister’s parents in law will feed him and walk him and I’ll come over by 6 or 6:30 pm and spend the night at the apartment. I’ll give him his dinner and take him for his night walk and potty time. In the morning after breakfast I’ll come back home.

So here he is, cute little monster and very loveable guy. He seems to like everyone, all strangers included and if he meets anyone new he just wants to be your best friend. He wanted a belly rub, some petting and scratching of his head and licked my hand gratefully after a while.

He really is a goofball and I will take some more pics and some videos during my say there. Here’s a little clip of him strutting his stuff.

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