Carved In Stone

Your personal sculptor is carving a person, thing or event from the last year of your life. What’s the statue of and what makes it so significant?

Hmm, I don’t know what statue I can ask a sculptor to make for me representing a person, thing or event from the last year. Well, I suppose something signifying me turning 40 (which was in August of this year) would be good. Like R40, the 40 year celebration of the forming of the rock band Rush. Perhaps get a sculpture done of me at age 40 and with devil horn symbols on my hand, a beer in the other. Have a large event with a recording of the unveiling available on dvd & BluRay.

I dunno, what other thing in the last one year was significant for me? I got to see Gurgaon and spend 12 days there which was nice. I even wanted to move there. I started getting feelings for a girl again, but that is another story, and anyway it’s not gonna work out because of a big age difference. I started using Uber more and more for commuting to work and back which is not significant enough. Oh – I started going to movie theatres again after a gap of 11 years and that is significant in an entertainment and leisure time sense to me.

Ugh, I give up!

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