Could Lockdown Be The Ideal Time To Break Free From A Career you Can’t Stand?

Lockdown has been an emotional rollercoaster for everyone. So much so that many of us are only now finding ourselves able to make some positive use of this time. For some, that means finally taking care of tasks around the house, or just getting dressed each morning (a considerable achievement.) For others, though, lockdown has led to larger life questions, especially where our careers are concerned.

After all, this is the longest period many of us have gone without work, and a shocking amount of us don’t even know if our jobs will be open when all this ends. As such, in a somewhat ironic and roundabout way, it’s just possible that lockdown will prove the ideal time to break your career chains at last. And, here are a few reasons why.

Some much-needed distance

Whether you’re working remotely or not working at all, lockdown has provided some much-needed distance from the workplace. This distance may well have surprising effects for many. On the one hand, not having to head to the workplace could reveal that you perhaps weren’t as happy there as you have thought. In extreme cases, time away from colleagues could even make you aware of harassments you overlooked at the time. Luckily, you have two years to file for issues like these, so you can still take action. And, of course, you can use this newfound awareness to push you towards finally finding a workplace where respect is a given.

Skills, skills, skills

It’s always tempting to stay in a job if your skillset is limited to that area. Let’s say your degree and all your training is in accounting. You’ll naturally feel reluctant to break away, especially given time limitations that stop you from training elsewhere. Lucky for you, even if you’re working remotely right now, you’ll have a load more time on your hands. That means you can finally develop the skills you need to break into the field you’ve been dreaming of. Whether you take online classes or sign up for a remote degree, this could see you enjoying the confidence, and the resume, you need to make a career move truly work for you.

Plenty of time to search

Job searching is always tricky when you’re still upholding another role, and can make choosing a career alternative seem impossible. After all, you barely have time to search, let alone consider interviews, etc. Luckily, time is something that lockdown has granted us in spades, meaning that you can get to this searching process without worry. Admittedly, jobs are few and far between right now. But, as lockdown restrictions start to ease, you may well find that positions begin to crop up that you could never have applied for previously.

It’s impossible to say there are any silver linings to our current position. It’s certainly difficult to feel any during our day-to-day. But, if you take anything out of this period, let it be a job that you can feel happy in at last!

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