Ever Faced A Technical Problem With Your Website? How Did You Resolve It?

I’ve been maintaining this website/blog since 2007 and I’ve only had a problem once. All this time and just one issue that was caused by WordPress. A few days ago, I think it was last Wednesday, I woke up and found that several of my posts were missing and each month was only showing 2-3 blog posts and mostly the Images that I post from time to time, without much words in it. All the categories were removed and it showed by default that all posts were in the Uncategorised list but even that count was not showing up.

Not only that I couldn’t log in to my account. It refused to accept my user id and email id and password. I also couldn’t reset my password since it refused to accept my user id and email id that is associated with the account. I was devastated for a while but then contacted my Website server’s support team and the first guy wasn’t very helpful but the second time I tried, the guy was able to identify that it was a WordPress related issue. So he used the most recent backup to fix the issue – I only lost a week’s worth of blog posts – and I could finally log in.

I then changed my password and then checked my blog. Over the next couple of days I rewrote the posts that I had lost, just to ensure that the dates would match up. I didn’t like having these huge gaps in between posts. Then a couple of days later I upgraded WordPress to the latest version, which had just been released earlier this month. Things seem to be fine now.

Prompt from 87 Blog Post Ideas That Will Never Fail You (2022) at Blog Tyrant

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