Fever Ruined Plans

So due to Labour Day which falls on a Monday tomorrow, I was so looking forward to a nice event filled three day weekend. Don’t you just love three day weekends? So much more time to enjoy the good things in life, watch tv, watch movies, sleep in, go out and meet friends, eat some good food and drink some beer or go to the mall, watch a movie on the big screen, hang out and come in late. I was planning all that but alas, no!

I woke up on Saturday feeling a big ill and even 2 cups of coffee couldn’t get me upbeat. I planned to alter my plans and go out in the evening for some pizza or beer and food with my cousin. However by 12pm I knew that I was not going to be able to sit up for long and by 1pm it was a fever. Not too high or raging but still a fever with joint pains all over my body. I went to bed at 1pm and by 3pm I took some Paracetamol and slept for 2 hours in between catching up on my tv show episodes for the week.

By 7:30 I got some coffee and stayed up to watch some more tv shows and a movie which, being a comedy, made me feel a bit better and then went for a long sleep. This morning I feel better but won’t be going out. I could go out in the evening but there’s football that I want to watch so I will stay in tonight as well. Monday I plan to go out.

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