Judging a Book By It’s Cover

Does it ever make sense to judge a book by its cover — literally or metaphorically? Tell us about a time you did, and whether that was a good decision or not.

Sometimes yes. I know people will say that you can’t and it’s true for the most part. But I think as you gain experience and wisdom over the years a few things stick out. You will be able to point out certain things that stand out and you can say with a good degree of certainity what you can judge about this person or that.

Some cases you may get things incorrect but for the most part it isn’t that difficult. It’s not rocket science. I find myself getting it right over and over again, but mostly in the last 10 years or so. Ever since I turned 30 back in 2006. So I guess it can be seen as a loss of positiveness, naivety, innocence and I guess you could argue about that point but overall it’s gonna be good that you lose some of it.

Now what about books? It depends on the cover and sometimes I can pull up a book from the shelves in a library or book store and I know what I am in for if I were to choose it. Sometimes you can get surprised.

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