
Is there “junk” in your life? What kind? How do you get rid of it?

Yes there is junk in my life. And I need to get rid of some of it if not all of it.

I always seem to have old clothes, ones that won’t fit anymore (like from 8 or 10 year ago and even older) or have torn in places. A pair of jeans or two that are long past their wearability dates. Old shirts, underwear and socks. A ripped and torn belt that I bought almost 15 years ago! I dunno why I find it hard to clear out all this crap.

Books, magazines, newspapers, pamphlets and even sections of newspapers – all gathering dust and lying and taking up space in the bottom shelf of my built in cupboard. I have a ton of books and magazines in several places that I haven’t read in a long time and may never read again…ever! Then there is my large steal almirah which has a ton of my cds (I never play them but rip them into mp3 format as soon as I buy them and then save them on my laptop and an external hard drive) which are collecting dust. I took a look at them today and it’s a huge mess down there. I have some dvds too, old ones that I never watch anymore.

I’d be happy if I can either get a proper book shelf or two so neatly store my stuff and get rid of the junk in the process. I’m working on getting things organized soon.

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