For those of you who frequent the blog you’d know that I have a regular reader & commenter named Lady Banana. She’s an English lady from London and she is awesome. She blogs at Lady Banana and has been a long time blog, email & twitter friend of mine. She’s always been there for me ever since I’ve known her; whenever I feel down if I reach out to her, I know she will make me feel so good about myself. Not surprising as she is also a longtime nurse, a profession that I have a lot of respect for.
That Diana has stuck with being my friend for this long is something I consider to be cherished. I just love her so much. She is my cheerleader and she is so kind and sweet.
She has two cats Mabel & Freddy and has a daughter and a son and a grandson. Check out her blog when you do get the time.
Q1. State your name, location and what you do for a living?
Name – Diana – better known as Lady Banana
Q2. Do you remember how you came to know about Awake & Dreaming?
I really don’t remember, I seem to have known Roshan forever, in the nicest possible way :)
Q3. How often do you visit my blog?
I visit 2/3 times a week, sometimes just in my feed reader.. Often I’m too tired, lazy or at work – don’t tell the boss, lol, so I can’t always comment as much as I could/should.
Q4. What is it that you like so much about Awake & Dreaming that you visit frequently and post a lot of comments?
I like the mix of posts, sometimes personal about yourself, some about sport and movies and books.
Q5. What are the kind of posts that you like the most in my blog?
I like your personal posts the best, the ones that help me get to know the real you, your likes and dislikes :)
Q6. Is there any topic that you would want me to blog about (that I haven’t yet)?
Just keep on doing what you’re doing, you do it so well :)
Choose the following
Q7. Admit it: you have a big crush on Roshan and that is why you are here a lot : Choices (true/very true/absolutely true/damn right it’s true/hell yeah and I’m proud of it! :)) ).
Q8. This is for you; say anything you like and I’ll post it here (cause you deserve it)
Your’s is the blog that makes me happy when I open my reader and see you have posted!
You are a good friend, far far away but I know that if I ever need a natter, a cheer up then Roshan is there for me. Long may it last {kiss kiss kiss}
Hope the answers are ok, and here’s to the next 300 comments.. (They are more than ok Diana, they are excellent)
Thank you Roshan, glad the see the image is broken though! lol
The information given here is very useful and I got to know a lot of data from here