My Top 5 Social Media Tips

Your top 5 social media tips

  1. Do not add your family members, especially your parents, uncles, aunts and other elders. Especially if you have strong opinions on things such as politics, religion and either you or your friends share NSFW type posts.
  2. Take everything you read with an unbiased pinch of salt – too many fake news media (not the Donald Trump type) out there with a biased way of looking at things or who just vomit the same shit without fact checking and most people just share the links without doing their own work.
  3. Don’t take anything personally, especially if it’s by someone who is just voicing their opinion. Voice yours back.
  4. Do not post a photo of yourself and then tag all your friends, especially the girls in your list so that they & their friends can see the pic. You are just begging for likes and you are an attention whore! Get a life!
  5. Don’t air all your grievances on an hourly basis on Facebook/Twitter. Stop being a Debbie downer. I block such people.

Prompt from 31 Days of January Writing Prompts at The SitsGirls

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