Old Photo Album

What’s the oldest thing you own? (Toys, clothing, twinkies, Grecian urns: anything’s fair game.) Recount its history — from the object’s point of view.

The oldest thing I own is probably a very old photo album that my parents gave me many years ago. It is pretty old maybe 30 plus years old as I remember I was not even 10 at the time. It is filled with photos of me, me with my sister and parents, me with my uncle and aunt and friends I grew up with during my childhood. These photos were all taken from the time that I was a baby to the age of 11.

This is my childhood in a large album. I will never be as innocent and cute as I was back then. I had a very happy childhood and I know that we can never be as happy and carefree as we were when we were kids. This is a reminder of a happier times and a more simpler and gentler times. When you felt safest and like nothing could ever go wrong with your world. When you did not know any better.

This is the oldest thing I own. And it could very well be the most precious thing I own.

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