Read Out

Take a look at your bookcase. If you had enough free time, which book would be the first one you’d like to reread? Why?

Well, I’m gonna change this up a bit. It’s not a book I haven finished reading yet but it’s a book that I started to read and reached about a quarter of the way through. I’m talking about the first book in the A Song Of Ice & Fire series : Game of Thrones. I picked up the novel last year but I have only managed to reach about a quarter of it. Mind you, I have seen the first 6 seasons of the tv show and am a big fan of them. The books however, I haven’t even managed to put a dent in them.

The whole problem is because the series is so awesome and gives you such a wonderful viewing experience, which is something I love, getting into the books or atleast the first book, has been tough. Also I don’t spend as much as I used to on reading books. I devoured books for many years, reading and rereading them a lot. But Youtube has pretty much rendered me dead to most other stuff. Except ofcourse real tv shows and movies. Thus I have barely read any books in the last….3 years or so!

I know it’s a shame but I just can’t bring myself to dedicate sometime for some book reading anymore. I guess I will eventually get back to it someday. Just not in the near future.

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