The history of Lasagna goes back to the 14th century and its origin story is full of conflicts. It was always a disputed topic between Italy, Greece and England and the modern version we have today had its origin in Naples during the middle ages. It was quite different centuries ago than how it is today. It has evolved and has acquired many variations before being codified in the classic version of Bolognese cuisine. It is thin layers of pasta dough made up of wheat flour, egg and spinach and between each layer of the sheets, there is béchamel and ragu sauce which makes it tastier. The top layer is lightly sprinkled with Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese; the preparation is then baked. Crafted with labour, comfort food is perfectly fitting to the crowd. It is savoured on special occasions such as birthdays or thanksgiving or even Easter.
– The plural of lasagna is lasagne. In Italy, they always only use lasagne when they refer to lasagna.
– The word lasagna authentically meant the pot in which the dish was cooked rather than the noodles itself. It is actually believed to be derived from the Greek word meaning ‘chamber pot’ – lasanon.
– Lasagna is only made with either flat noodles or rippled noodles.
– Lasagna was called “losyns” in Middle English.
– Lasagna is the favourite of cartoon character cat called Garfield.
– The original Lasagna recipe didn’t have tomatoes since it was discovered in the thirteenth century. At that time, tomatoes weren’t known in Europe.
– Some lasagna recipes can be carried out without the noodles being precooked. Layering the lasagne allows it to cook in the dish itself!
– Lasagna was responsible for a diplomatic dispute between England and Italy.
– In 2003, researchers studying the The Forme of Cury, a medieval cookery book, in the British Museum found a recipe for a type of lasagna dish prepared by chefs for the King in 1390.
– The most important ‘Lasagna’ to have ever lived is the late Dr Lou Lasagna, considered to be one of the most important scientists of the 20th century.