Many people know exactly how to ensure that their house keeps them as healthy as possible, but as it’s not a natural topic of conversation, it’s always hard to bring it up to others. When you walk into the homes of other people and they haven’t got the same priorities as you when it comes to their homes, it doesn’t mean that they’re doing it wrong in their home, it just means that they haven’t got the same knowledge as you to have the healthiest house possible. You’re a busy person with a family and a job to worry over. The last thing that you should have to think about is whether your home is keeping you feeling healthy.
When it comes to improvements in our health, we often focus more on nutrition and exercise than we do thinking about the ways that our environments affect our bodies. The home is where you spend a lot of our time, and it’s therefore very important that we figure out the ways that we need to make our homes healthier. It can be anything from cleaning up more often or choosing to flip life to being more natural with less toxins. That one’s pretty easy, as a browse at can see to that straight away. Your home environment is supposed to be a safe haven, where you retreat to after a long day and relax. The state of the environment that you are retreating to can have a direct impact on your health and the way that you feel about the place you are settling in.
An unclean and unsafe environment can have a huge bearing on your overall health, and it will have a negative impact upon it if you don’t act on it quickly. This can lead to long term health consequences, and all because you just didn’t take care of your home. Everyone has a different living space to worry about and while there are some aspects that you can’t control you can always do more to improve the health of the house that you are living in. Cleaning up your home to make your living space healthier and safer is the best thing that you can do, and if you’re interested, consider these ten ways you can make your home the healthy space that you’ve always wanted it to be.
Invest In Air Purifiers.
The first step to a good and healthy life is to breathe in the cleanest possible air. Air pollution has a huge effect on our health and fine particulate matter has linked to heart issues as well as lung issues. Investing in the right state of the art air purifier is going to help to mitigate the risk, despite the fact that sometimes the particles can be too small to filter. By taking the step to getting an air purifier or two in the home, you’re at least trying to make the air around you more positive and healthier to breathe in – and that’s all you can do to start with.
Switch Your Candles.
How many gorgeously scented candles do you like to burn in the house? The house smelling gorgeous is one thing, but scented candles come at a real risk. Paraffin wax candles are often petrol based and have the potential to emit potentially hazardous chemicals. These chemicals can lead to health risks like cancers, asthma and common allergies. Don’t worry though; you can still enjoy a well-scented home with soy candles. They still smell just as good, and they don’t emit any of the harmful chemicals as the others.
Avoid Chemical Cleaners.
This is a big one, so we’re mentioning it twice. Avoiding the use of chemical pesticides of chemical-based cleaners can make a difference in the home. Essential oils, soap and water is all you need, because the chemicals in your regular cleaners can aggravate existing breathing conditions and can contain carcinogens. Other natural cleaning solutions can be found online, with recipes including vinegar, lemon juice and baking soda.
Control The Light
Did you know that light pollution can interfere with your sleep? Most people don’t feel good about trying to sleep when city lights keep them awake half the night. You need to sleep in an environment conducive to sleep, so get an eye mask, new shades for the windows and do what you can to block out as much light as possible so that you can sleep well. Bad sleep is linked to a wealth of health issues, including cancers, mental illnesses, memory loss and even obesity. It’s worth ensuring that you block out the light to make your sleep more meaningful.
Clear The Pantry
One big tip for maintaining a healthy lifestyle is to look into your own nutrition. Rid the pantries of the foods that don’t contribute to that lifestyle for you, and fill it with nutrient-dense foods that are going to have a positive effect on your health. Don’t think about food in terms of ‘good’ and ‘bad’, because all you will end up doing is cutting out foods, which leads to binging later on. Keeping a mix of 80% nutrient dense foods with 20% nutrient free foods is important, because there is nothing more important for your health than balance.
Plant A New Garden
You can start with plants and trees, but eventually, you need to aim for a vegetable garden. Gardeners are happier people as they are out in the natural world, in the green spaces and with flowers and trees. People who live in greener spaces commit far less crime than in the cities and a part of that comes from how these greener spaces make them feel. The happier you are the less you are likely to feel depressed about your surroundings. Starting a small garden can start to create a space that makes you feel good about yourself – and once you start planting your own vegetables, you can start feeling great on the inside, too.
Get Rid Of Dust
It’s not going to be 100% possible to get rid of dust, but it is going to be possible for you to start looking after your home to minimize the amount of dust that you do get. Chronic exposure to dust can cause allergies and asthma, and you can prevent both of these things from happening with reducing the humidity of your home and changing your bedding frequently. Vacuuming often can also help, along with washing down everything in soap and water and natural products. Your war against dust in the home won’t be foolproof, but if you keep a regular routine, you can prevent it from building up into a problem.
Water Filtering
The tap water in your home is often drunk through a filter jug or some other system to make it taste nicer. However, you need to ensure that the tap at your sink has a filter attached to ensure that it isn’t contaminated. Local water suppliers may filter your tap water, but it’ll still contain contaminants like lead, chlorine, E-coli and pesticides. The best thing that you can do is to filter these out and enjoy a fresher taste with your water. Fresher water makes for a fresh you, and doing everything that you can to do this will be better for your health overall.
Look At Your Cookware.
When you are putting away leftovers, swap over yout plastic tupperware for glass containers. The plastic contains chemicals that can really have an impact on your hormones, as the plastic leaches toxins into your food and has an impact on the internal environment of your body. Glass is the better alternative, because it’s lighter, recyclable and doesn’t come with the nasty toxins leaking into your food. While you’re looking at your kitchen cookware consider the ways that you are exposing your family to fumes and polymers that are on the materials. Synthetic polymers are used to make non-stick goods, so cook with cast iron or stainless steel instead and you can avoid harsh toxins in your body.
Get A Pet
If you ever need a reason to adopt a pet, your health is one of those reasons. You may not be allergic to dander or pet hair, which is possible the best news when you are looking to have a healthier home. Pet owners are often said to be healthier than those who don’t have the pleasure of a pet in the home, with improved mood and happier emotional state two of the reasons that people get pets in the first place. The improved mood and lower blood pressure, plus the reduced risk of heart issues are all good reasons to get a pet in the home.
Change your diet
Sometimes, we become persons of bad ways, and we tend to purchase foodstuffs from the same grocery, cook them using the unchanged recipes, and stay within our methods for a long time. But if you are serious about eating a healthy meal and losing weight, you need to change the entire diet. It can be hard to let go of your old eating habits, but you have to try. Eating junk foods and foods that are too spicy can cause heartburn and you may require a heartburn reliever. Keep in mind that Sanofi is recalling four of its leading Zantac medicines, and there is an ongoing investigation of an impurity, N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) in the drugs. Therefore, to be on the safer side, avoid foods that can trigger heartburn and other gastrointestinal problems.
Your house can be a healthier place to be with just a little tweak here and there. You need your home to be the place you feel safe and healthy, so what are you waiting for? Make these changes today and you’ll find a happier home.