How To Start A Music Blog

If you are ready to get invested in starting your own music blog, you’ve come to the right place. Setting yourself up for success in this venture is important if you want to get it right, and this takes time and energy and a creative plan of action to go from an idea to a real working blog. There are a lot of things that have changed in the blogging world over the years, and when it comes to music blogging, you need to ensure your plan is one that fits with the way that things are currently done. Currently, major music blogs promote their musicians on social media and encourage as much music sharing online as possible. There are so many new ways to source and listen to new music, and your blog could be successful in doing so.

Let’s take a look at how to start a successful music blog.

The very first thing that you should do before you get started on your own music blog is to look at the successful ones that are out there right now. It doesn’t matter if they’re not to your personal music taste; their success means that they are someones! Your research will help you to understand what makes people keep coming back for more. It’s not about copying a site, but taking inspiration from it and getting a general idea of what you could do with your music blog.

Take notes about whether they are using background music from sites like or whether they are quiet websites. Look to see if they are global or regional. Think about what their interactive features are and whether they are to your taste. There are plenty of options here to get those creative juices flowing, and the notes are taken to ensure your own success.

Defining Your Blog
You need to know what will make your blog unique if you hope to be successful. Think about whether you want to focus on the local artists to you or go for a global interest.

What Will You Blog About?
Are you blogging about popular music or independent new bands that need exposure? Are you discussing the music industry as a whole? Are you planning to showcase videos? You need to make some decisions on all of these and ensure that you will have the readership to make it a successful option for you. You want your blog to be a resource, giving them more than one reason to visit your blog than just hear about artists that you review. You must be as consistent as possible with your blog and keep it to what your readers want rather than what others are doing.

Once you’ve decided on those essential things, you then need to think about the creation of your blog. There are plenty of options out there for host platforms and blogging websites to carry your blog; the important bit is knowing what is going on the blog in the first place.