Think of your blog as a mirror: what does it reveal? Consider your blog name, theme choice, design, bio, postsā¦ what does every element tell you about yourself?
My blog as a mirror is very reflective of me as a person and my nature. It shows off my characteristics and things that I life. Here’s what each aspect of the blog reveals about me:
- The title : it says it all. Awake & Dreaming is a statement about myself. When I am not doing anything that takes up most of my attention or not doing much at all, I’m usually of in my dream world. I day dream a lot and it’s quite vivid, detailed and the futuristic universe that I have created is a great place to live in. Reality is so much of a downer in comparison!
- Theme choice :Ā after a long time of preferring the 3 column look, I settled on the more common 2 column theme – posts on the left hand bigger column and links & informational stuff on the smaller right hand. I like a lot of links. I want big but not too big a space to post my blog posts. And the background chosen stated that I love exploration of space and the universe we live in.
- Design : I don’t like to flashy stuff. I like to keep it simple, somewhat big and easy for people to read and follow without much of a hassle. I like some order and categorization. I read a lot of other people’s blogs, more than the average person. I firmly believe that black or dark grey text on white background is the best way to go but we do need some colour. And I love images & photos!
- Bio : I want you to get to know me well….if you care to that is. I want to explain how I got here and why I am where I am!
- Posts : the posts speak for themselves but….I love food, coffee, drinks, movies, football, hockey, rock & metal music, dogs, WOMEN, tv shows, Science Fiction, Star Trek…..and I hate religion, most politics and all kinds of crap!
There you go. What does you blog say about you?
I think my blog properly represents who I am and what I’m like in REAL LIFE too!