I really wish I could play the guitar as well as, if not as good as my fav guitarists, as good as some of the Youtube or Instagram guitarists I see on a regular basis. I had taken some lessons when I was 12 years old. I picked up the music bug, the rock music bug in particular when I was 10 and really started getting to bands and musicians when I was 11.
The tutor was a tyrant and rude and obnoxious and we couldn’t wait to get out of there after the hour was up. I therefore quit wanting to learn as I hated the guy who taught us. A bad teacher can sour things up for you, even your passion. I wish I had stuck through with it or gone elsewhere. But I wish I had because, not just that it is cool & I love music, there are some other benefits to learning to play guitar:
- Improves your discipline skills. Learning how to be disciplined is one of the most consistent benefits of playing guitar. You need to practice. Becoming strict with yourself is a valuable skill that can be applied to all areas of life.
- Increases your creativity. Being adaptable and creative are excellent skills that you can utilize as both a musician and in your professional life.
- Broaden your horizons. One of the best reasons to play guitar is to help expand your knowledge of music, and you will better understand the music you love.
- Sharpens your concentration. Research has shown that one of the health benefits of playing guitar is that it improves concentration.
- Creates therapeutic experiences. Guitar playing can be a very calming experience. If you are looking to relax and be productive, you should start learning the guitar.
- Learning guitar introduces you to new people. There is a fantastic social element to guitar playing, and you will probably meet many new people if you start playing guitar in public.
- Helps with confidence. One of the key benefits of playing guitar is that you will become more confident as you progress and become more skilled.
- Introduces a new way to communicate. Being able to express yourself through your guitar playing should be an exciting experience for any beginner.
- Improves your memory. One of the benefits of playing guitar on the brain is that by practicing over and over again, you can improve your memory
- Boost your multitasking skills. Another benefit of playing guitar on the brain is that it increases your ability to multitask. As a guitarist, you will have to read music, play your instrument, and pay attention to other musicians all at the same time.
- Improves your dexterity. The intricate plucking, picking, and strumming techniques you will learn will improve your coordination and dexterity.