I went back to work today and a leisurely day at the office. All I really had to do was spend two fun hours with a group of new agents, clear some of the doubts that they had and joke with them. After that, nothing else to do except walk around the floor and chat with people, have coffee, take two long breaks – one for a little lunch and another for an evening snack. Bingo! and before you know it, it is time to zip up my office bag and head back for home.
The way back home was far from easy going as the work day was. It felt like it was going to rain all day and a few minutes after I boarded the bus, it started pouring. And I mean pouring. A heavy wind was blowing people off the streets and into shops, hotels and /or shelters and hide from the rain. It was a storm of epic proportions. As I got down at Kacheripady, I realised that I would have to buy me an umbrella and I did get an inexpensive one at the nearest shop next to where I get down. But I managed to get myself very wet due to the wind factor. There was thunder and lightning and it was looking like a scene from a natural disaster documentary on Nat Geo.
The wind kept blowing my umbrella away from me and I was finding it very difficult to walk! Me! Guy with the big belly was having trouble walking because of the wind. Shame on me! Jokes apart, it was very, very windy but I made my way through towards the apartment and no sooner did I reach the gate when the power went out! Shit, that meant walking all seven floors to my apartment, all the while gazing out at the windows for a special effects display of the biblical kind. I won’t be surprised if we wake up in the morning to find arcs floating around. Made it home in one piece and ate a quite dinner in the dark with my mom & dad. The power came back on at 11 and here I am entering it for the sake of you guys.
Song for the day – “Thunderstruck” – AC/DC